Vala プログラミング

WebGPU プログラミング


物理シミュレーション 剛体の衝突 1

1 Force Based
2 Position Based(Constraint)
3 Position Based(ShapeMatching)

1番目の Force Based は、従来からのニュートン運動方程式を数値積分して
2番目の Position Based(Constraint) は 2006年に考案された方法です。(下の
参考文献 Position Based Dynamics) 剛体の衝突を拘束(Constraint)と見なし、
3番目の Position Based(ShapeMatching) は 2005年に出てきた方法です。
(下の参考文献 Meshless Deformations Based on Shape Matching、2番目と
同じグループが考案) これは、剛体を頂点座標で表し、衝突した際の頂点の

同じアルゴリズムを使い、Javascript で実装してみました。

1 酒井幸市著「WebGLによる 物理シミュレーション」( 工学社 )
2 藤澤 誠著「CGのための物理シミュレーションの基礎」( マイナビ )
3 特定非営利活動法人natural science
4 物理学の見つけ方


1 Detailed Rigid Body Simulation with Extended Position Based Dynamics

2 Modeling and Solving Constraints

3 物理エンジンの作り方
  物理エンジンの作り方 その2
4 A Survey on Position Based Dynamics, 2017
5 Position Based Dynamics
6 Meshless Deformations Based on Shape Matching

酒井幸市著「WebGLによる 物理シミュレーション」( 工学社 )
第4章 剛体の衝突 (参考コードは書籍のページからダウンロード可)

2D Rigid Body Physics Engine
(実際に参照したのは、古いバージョン: 2021/11/06 ダウンロード
このバージョンの game.js )

Physical animation with shape matching
Claudio Esperança
右上にある […] アイコンの Export からコードをダウンロードできる。
69eb2ec167e70941@1046.js がメインのプログラムである。

数学ライブラリーと衝突検出処理には、ShapeMatching で参照したプログラムを使用しています。衝突検出の方法として、主にSAT(Separating Axis Theorem) と GJK(Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi)法がありますが、ここでは、GJK法を使用します。また、衝突時のめり込みの長さや方向を知るため、EPA(Expanding Polytope Algorithm)法を使用します。


define( function() {
function clamp(value, min, max) {
    if (value < min)
        return min;
    else if (value > max)
        return max;
        return value;

class Vector2 {
    constructor(x = 0, y = 0) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    clear() {
        this.x = 0;
        this.y = 0;
    copy() {
        return new Vector2(this.x, this.y);
    toFixed() {
        this.x = Math.round(this.x * 1e9) / 1e9;
        this.y = Math.round(this.y * 1e9) / 1e9;
    fixed() {
        return new Vector2(Math.round(this.x * 1e9) / 1e9, Math.round(this.y * 1e9) / 1e9);
    invert() {
        this.x *= -1;
        this.y *= -1;
    inverted() {
        return new Vector2(this.x * -1, this.y * -1);
    normalize() {
        const len = this.getLength();
        if (len != 0) {
            this.x /= len;
            this.y /= len;
    normalized() {
        const len = this.getLength();
        if (len != 0)
            return this.divS(len);
            return this;
    getLength() {
        return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
    dot(v) {
        return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y;
    cross(v) {
        return this.x * v.y - this.y * v.x;
    addV(v) {
        return new Vector2(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y);
    subV(v) {
        return new Vector2(this.x - v.x, this.y - v.y);
    divS(v) {
        return new Vector2(this.x / v, this.y / v);
    mulS(v) {
        return new Vector2(this.x * v, this.y * v);
    equals(v) {
        return this.x == v.x && this.y == v.y;
    unNaN() {
        if (isNaN(this.x) || isNaN(this.y)) {
            this.x = 0;
            this.y = 0;

class Vector3 {
    constructor(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;
    clear() {
        this.x = 0;
        this.y = 0;
        this.z = 0;
    copy() {
        return new Vector3(this.x, this.y, this.z);
    toFixed() {
        this.x = Math.round(this.x * 1e9) / 1e9;
        this.y = Math.round(this.y * 1e9) / 1e9;
        this.z = Math.round(this.z * 1e9) / 1e9;
    fixed() {
        return new Vector3(Math.round(this.x * 1e9) / 1e9, Math.round(this.y * 1e9) / 1e9, Math.round(this.z * 1e9) / 1e9);
    normalize() {
        const len = this.getLength();
        this.x /= len;
        this.y /= len;
        this.z /= len;
    normalized() {
        const len = this.getLength();
        if (len != 0)
            return this.divS(len);
            return this;
    invert() {
        this.x *= -1;
        this.y *= -1;
        this.z *= -1;
    inverted() {
        return new Vector3(this.x * -1, this.y * -1, this.z * -1);
    getLength() {
        return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z);
    dot(v) {
        return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y + this.z * v.z;
    cross(v) {
        return new Vector3(this.y * v.z - this.z * v.y, this.z * v.x - this.x * v.z, this.x * v.y - this.y * v.x);
    add(v) {
        return new Vector3(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y, this.z + v.z);
    sub(v) {
        return new Vector3(this.x - v.x, this.y - v.y, this.z - v.z);
    divS(v) {
        return new Vector3(this.x / v, this.y / v, this.z / v);
    divXYZ(x, y, z) {
        return new Vector3(this.x / x, this.y / y, this.z / z);
    mulS(v) {
        return new Vector3(this.x * v, this.y * v, this.z * v);
    mulXYZ(x, y, z) {
        return new Vector3(this.x * x, this.y * y, this.z * z);
    equals(v) {
        return this.x == v.x && this.y == v.y && this.z == v.z;
    unNaN() {
        if (isNaN(this.x) || isNaN(this.y) || isNaN(this.z)) {
            this.x = 0;
            this.y = 0;
            this.z = 0;

class Vector4 {
    constructor(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;
        this.w = w;
    clear() {
        this.x = 0;
        this.y = 0;
        this.z = 0;
        this.w = 0;
    copy() {
        return new Vector4(this.x, this.y, this.z, this.w);
    toFixed() {
        this.x = Math.round(this.x * 1e9) / 1e9;
        this.y = Math.round(this.y * 1e9) / 1e9;
        this.z = Math.round(this.z * 1e9) / 1e9;
        this.w = Math.round(this.w * 1e9) / 1e9;
    fixed() {
        return new Vector4(Math.round(this.x * 1e9) / 1e9, Math.round(this.y * 1e9) / 1e9, Math.round(this.z * 1e9) / 1e9, Math.round(this.w * 1e9) / 1e9);
    normalize() {
        const len = this.getLength();
        this.x /= len;
        this.y /= len;
        this.z /= len;
        this.w /= len;
    normalized() {
        const len = this.getLength();
        if (len != 0)
            return this.divS(len);
            return this;
    invert() {
        this.x *= -1;
        this.y *= -1;
        this.z *= -1;
        this.w *= -1;
    inverted() {
        return new Vector4(this.x * -1, this.y * -1, this.z * -1, this.w * -1);
    getLength() {
        return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w);
    dot(v) {
        return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y + this.z * v.z + this.w * v.w;
    add(v) {
        return new Vector4(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y, this.z + v.z, this.w + v.w);
    sub(v) {
        return new Vector4(this.x - v.x, this.y - v.y, this.z - v.z, this.w - v.w);
    divS(v) {
        return new Vector4(this.x / v, this.y / v, this.z / v, this.w / v);
    divXYZW(x, y, z, w) {
        return new Vector4(this.x / x, this.y / y, this.z / z, this.w / w);
    mulS(v) {
        return new Vector4(this.x * v, this.y * v, this.z * v, this.w * v);
    mulXYZW(x, y, z, w) {
        return new Vector4(this.x * x, this.y * y, this.z * z, this.w * w);
    equals(v) {
        return this.x == v.x && this.y == v.y && this.z == v.z && this.w == v.w;
    unNaN() {
        if (isNaN(this.x) || isNaN(this.y) || isNaN(this.z) || isNaN(this.w)) {
            this.x = 0;
            this.y = 0;
            this.z = 0;
            this.w = 0;

class Matrix3 {
    constructor() {
        this.m00 = 1;
        this.m01 = 0;
        this.m02 = 0;
        this.m10 = 0;
        this.m11 = 1;
        this.m12 = 0;
        this.m20 = 0;
        this.m21 = 0;
        this.m22 = 1;
    loadIdentity() {
        this.m00 = 1;
        this.m01 = 0;
        this.m02 = 0;
        this.m10 = 0;
        this.m11 = 1;
        this.m12 = 0;
        this.m20 = 0;
        this.m21 = 0;
        this.m22 = 1;
    copy() {
        let res = new Matrix3();
        res.m00 = this.m00;
        res.m01 = this.m01;
        res.m02 = this.m02;
        res.m10 = this.m10;
        res.m11 = this.m11;
        res.m12 = this.m12;
        res.m20 = this.m20;
        res.m21 = this.m21;
        res.m22 = this.m22;
        return res;
    fromValues(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
        let res = new Matrix3();
        res.m00 = a;
        res.m01 = b;
        res.m02 = c;
        res.m10 = d;
        res.m11 = e;
        res.m12 = f;
        res.m20 = g;
        res.m21 = h;
        res.m22 = i;
        return res;
    mulMatrix(right) {
        let res = new Matrix3();
        res.m00 = this.m00 * right.m00 + this.m01 * right.m10 + this.m02 * right.m20;
        res.m01 = this.m00 * right.m01 + this.m01 * right.m11 + this.m02 * right.m21;
        res.m02 = this.m00 * right.m02 + this.m01 * right.m12 + this.m02 * right.m22;
        res.m10 = this.m10 * right.m00 + this.m11 * right.m10 + this.m12 * right.m20;
        res.m11 = this.m10 * right.m01 + this.m11 * right.m11 + this.m12 * right.m21;
        res.m12 = this.m10 * right.m02 + this.m11 * right.m12 + this.m12 * right.m22;
        res.m20 = this.m20 * right.m00 + this.m21 * right.m10 + this.m22 * right.m20;
        res.m21 = this.m20 * right.m01 + this.m21 * right.m11 + this.m22 * right.m21;
        res.m22 = this.m20 * right.m02 + this.m21 * right.m12 + this.m22 * right.m22;
        return res;
    mulVector(right, z) {
        let res = new Vector2(0, 0);
        if (z == undefined)
            z = 1;
        res.x = this.m00 * right.x + this.m01 * right.y + this.m02 * z;
        res.y = this.m10 * right.x + this.m11 * right.y + this.m12 * z;
        return res;
    mulVectors(right, z) {
        let res = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < right.length; i++)
            res.push(this.mulVector(right[i], 1));
        return res;
    scale(x, y) {
        if (y == undefined)
            y = x;
        let scale = new Matrix3();
        scale.m00 = x;
        scale.m11 = y;
        return this.mulMatrix(scale);
    rotate(r) {
        const sin = Math.sin(r);
        const cos = Math.cos(r);
        let res = new Matrix3();
        res.m00 = cos;
        res.m01 = -sin;
        res.m10 = sin;
        res.m11 = cos;
        return this.mulMatrix(res);
    translate(x, y) {
        let res = new Matrix3();
        res.m02 = x;
        res.m12 = y;
        return this.mulMatrix(res);

class Matrix4 {
    constructor() {
        this.m00 = 1;
        this.m01 = 0;
        this.m02 = 0;
        this.m03 = 0;
        this.m10 = 0;
        this.m11 = 1;
        this.m12 = 0;
        this.m13 = 0;
        this.m20 = 0;
        this.m21 = 0;
        this.m22 = 1;
        this.m23 = 0;
        this.m30 = 0;
        this.m31 = 0;
        this.m32 = 0;
        this.m33 = 1;
    loadIdentity() {
        this.m00 = 1;
        this.m01 = 0;
        this.m02 = 0;
        this.m03 = 0;
        this.m10 = 0;
        this.m11 = 1;
        this.m12 = 0;
        this.m13 = 0;
        this.m20 = 0;
        this.m21 = 0;
        this.m22 = 1;
        this.m23 = 0;
        this.m30 = 0;
        this.m31 = 0;
        this.m32 = 0;
        this.m33 = 1;
    copy() {
        let res = new Matrix4();
        res.m00 = this.m00;
        res.m01 = this.m01;
        res.m02 = this.m02;
        res.m03 = this.m03;
        res.m10 = this.m10;
        res.m11 = this.m11;
        res.m12 = this.m12;
        res.m13 = this.m13;
        res.m20 = this.m20;
        res.m21 = this.m21;
        res.m22 = this.m22;
        res.m23 = this.m23;
        res.m20 = this.m30;
        res.m31 = this.m31;
        res.m32 = this.m32;
        res.m33 = this.m33;
        return res;
    fromAxis(vx, vy, vz) {
        let res = new Matrix4();
        res.m00 = vx.x;
        res.m01 = vy.x;
        res.m02 = vz.x;
        res.m10 = vx.y;
        res.m11 = vy.y;
        res.m12 = vz.y;
        res.m20 = vx.z;
        res.m21 = vy.z;
        res.m22 = vz.z;
        return res;
    mulMatrix(right) {
        let res = new Matrix4();
        res.m00 = this.m00 * right.m00 + this.m01 * right.m10 + this.m02 * right.m20 + this.m03 * right.m30;
        res.m01 = this.m00 * right.m01 + this.m01 * right.m11 + this.m02 * right.m21 + this.m03 * right.m31;
        res.m02 = this.m00 * right.m02 + this.m01 * right.m12 + this.m02 * right.m22 + this.m03 * right.m32;
        res.m03 = this.m00 * right.m03 + this.m01 * right.m13 + this.m02 * right.m23 + this.m03 * right.m33;
        res.m10 = this.m10 * right.m00 + this.m11 * right.m10 + this.m12 * right.m20 + this.m13 * right.m30;
        res.m11 = this.m10 * right.m01 + this.m11 * right.m11 + this.m12 * right.m21 + this.m13 * right.m31;
        res.m12 = this.m10 * right.m02 + this.m11 * right.m12 + this.m12 * right.m22 + this.m13 * right.m32;
        res.m13 = this.m10 * right.m03 + this.m11 * right.m13 + this.m12 * right.m23 + this.m13 * right.m33;
        res.m20 = this.m20 * right.m00 + this.m21 * right.m10 + this.m22 * right.m20 + this.m23 * right.m30;
        res.m21 = this.m20 * right.m01 + this.m21 * right.m11 + this.m22 * right.m21 + this.m23 * right.m31;
        res.m22 = this.m20 * right.m02 + this.m21 * right.m12 + this.m22 * right.m22 + this.m23 * right.m32;
        res.m23 = this.m20 * right.m03 + this.m21 * right.m13 + this.m22 * right.m23 + this.m23 * right.m33;
        res.m30 = this.m30 * right.m00 + this.m31 * right.m10 + this.m32 * right.m20 + this.m33 * right.m30;
        res.m31 = this.m30 * right.m01 + this.m31 * right.m11 + this.m32 * right.m21 + this.m33 * right.m31;
        res.m32 = this.m30 * right.m02 + this.m31 * right.m12 + this.m32 * right.m22 + this.m33 * right.m32;
        res.m33 = this.m30 * right.m03 + this.m31 * right.m13 + this.m32 * right.m23 + this.m33 * right.m33;
        return res;
    mulVector(right, w) {
        let res = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        if (w == undefined)
            w = 1;
        res.x = this.m00 * right.x + this.m01 * right.y + this.m02 * right.z + this.m03 * w;
        res.y = this.m10 * right.x + this.m11 * right.y + this.m12 * right.z + this.m13 * w;
        res.z = this.m20 * right.x + this.m21 * right.y + this.m22 * right.z + this.m23 * w;
        return res;
    mulVectors(right, z) {
        let res = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < right.length; i++)
            res.push(this.mulVector(right[i], 1));
        return res;
    scale(x, y, z) {
        if (y == undefined && z == undefined) {
            y = x;
            z = x;
        let scale = new Matrix4();
        scale.m00 = x;
        scale.m11 = y;
        scale.m22 = z;
        return this.mulMatrix(scale);
    rotate(x, y, z) {
        const sinX = Math.sin(x);
        const cosX = Math.cos(x);
        const sinY = Math.sin(y);
        const cosY = Math.cos(y);
        const sinZ = Math.sin(z);
        const cosZ = Math.cos(z);
        let res = new Matrix4();
        res.m00 = cosY * cosZ;
        res.m01 = -cosY * sinZ;
        res.m02 = sinY;
        res.m03 = 0;
        res.m10 = sinX * sinY * cosZ + cosX * sinZ;
        res.m11 = -sinX * sinY * sinZ + cosX * cosZ;
        res.m12 = -sinX * cosY;
        res.m13 = 0;
        res.m20 = -cosX * sinY * cosZ + sinX * sinZ;
        res.m21 = cosX * sinY * sinZ + sinX * cosZ;
        res.m22 = cosX * cosY;
        res.m23 = 0;
        res.m30 = 0;
        res.m31 = 0;
        res.m32 = 0;
        res.m33 = 1;
        return this.mulMatrix(res);
    translate(x, y, z) {
        let res = new Matrix4();
        res.m03 = x;
        res.m13 = y;
        res.m23 = z;
        return this.mulMatrix(res);

return {Vector2: Vector2, Vector3: Vector3, Vector4: Vector4,
    Matrix3: Matrix3, Matrix4: Matrix4, clamp: clamp};


define(['./math'], function(math) {
function support(pts, v) {
    //// pts: Array, element Vector2
    //// v: Vector2
    //// return: Vector2
    let maxdot = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    let best;
    for (let p of pts) {
        let dot =;
        if (dot > maxdot) [maxdot, best] = [dot, p];
    return best;

function support2(pts1, pts2, v) {
    //// pts1, pts2: Array, element Vector2
    //// v: Vector2
    //// return: Vector2
    try {
         return support(pts1, v).subV(support(pts2, v.mulS(-1)));
    } catch (err) {
        throw "BUG:" + err;

function tripleProduct(a, b, c) {
    //// a, b, c: Vector2
    //// return: Vector2
    let z = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;
    return new math.Vector2(-c.y * z, c.x * z);

function closestEdge(polytope) {
    //// polytope: [a, b, c]  a,b,c Vector2

    let npts = polytope.length;
    let dmin = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    let closest;

    for (let i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
        let [p, q] = [polytope[i], polytope[(i + 1) % npts]];
        //// p, q: Vector2
        let e = q.subV(p);
        let epPerp = tripleProduct(e, p, e);
        let n = epPerp.normalized();
        let dist =;
        if (dist < dmin) [dmin, closest] = [dist, { dist, i, p, q, n }];
    return closest;

return {
    gjk: function(pts1, pts2) {
        //// pts1, pts2: Array, element Vector2
        //// return: false or [a, b, c] a,b,c Vector2

        // First point of pts1-pts2
        let a = support2(pts1, pts2, new math.Vector2(1, 1));
        // First direction
        let v = a.mulS(-1);
        // Second point
        let b = support2(pts1, pts2, v);
        if ( <= 0) return false; // Second point fails
        // Second direction
        let ab = b.subV(a);
        v = tripleProduct(ab, a.mulS(-1), ab);
        for (;;) {
            // Third point
            let c = support2(pts1, pts2, v);
            if ( <= 0) return false; // Third point fails
            let c0 = c.mulS(-1);
            let cb = b.subV(c);
            let ca = a.subV(c);
            let cbPerp = tripleProduct(ca, cb, cb);
            let caPerp = tripleProduct(cb, ca, ca);
            if ( > 0) {
                b = c;
                v = caPerp;
            } else if ( > 0) {
                a = c;
                v = cbPerp;
            } else return [a, b, c];

    epa: function(pts1, pts2, a, b, c) {
        //// pts1, pts2: Array, element Vector2
        //// a, b, c: Vector2
        //// [a, b, c]: simplex

        let polytope = [a, b, c];
        for (;;) {
            let { dist, i, p, q, n } = closestEdge(polytope);
            let r = support2(pts1, pts2, n);
            if (Math.abs( - dist) < 0.001) return { p, q, dist, n };
            polytope.splice(i + 1, 0, r);


jsファイルは、それぞれ require/define を使ってモジュール化している。