Vala プログラミング

WebGPU プログラミング


Babylon.js WebGPU Cloth Simulation (2)

前回アップした、XPBD(extended position-based dynamics) による Cloth シミュレーションの解説です。

GPU StorageBuffer
 compute shader で扱うデータは、storage buffer を介して利用する。
mesh の各vertex point のデータは、Particle 構造体とし、そのメンバーとして pos(position), vel(velocity), prePos(previous position), invMass(inverse mass) を設定し、storage buffer の変数とする。

struct Particle {
    pos : vec3<f32>,
    vel : vec3<f32>,
    prePos : vec3<f32>,
    @align(16) invMass: f32,
@group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

メンバー変数の alignment は vec3型が 16、f32型が 4 であり、構造体自身の
alignment は、メンバー変数の最大値となるので、16 である。構造体のメモリー配置が 16 の倍数となるように、invMass 変数の前に @align(16) を入れる。これで正しくメモリー配置される。

CPU 側でデータを Storage Buffer にセットする場合、以下のようにする。
this.numParticles は Particle 数を表す変数。

this.particleData = new Float32Array(this.numParticles * 16);
for (let i = 0; i < this.numParticles; ++i) {
   let p = this.points[i];
   // pos
   this.particleData[16 * i + 0] = p.pos.x;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 1] = p.pos.y;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 2] = p.pos.z;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 3] = 1.0;
   // vel
   this.particleData[16 * i + 4] = p.vel.x;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 5] = p.vel.y;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 6] = p.vel.z;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 7] = 1.0;
   // prePos
   this.particleData[16 * i + 8]  = p.prevPos.x;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 9]  = p.prevPos.y;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 10] = p.prevPos.z;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 11] = 1.0;
   // invMass
   this.particleData[16 * i + 12] = p.invMass;
   // dummy
   this.particleData[16 * i + 13] = 0.0;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 14] = 0.0;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 15] = 0.0;
this.particleBuffers = new BABYLON.StorageBuffer(engine,

GPU 側での alignment に合わせて、position データ等は 16 バイト(4 バイト X 4)にする。

   // pos
   this.particleData[16 * i + 0] = p.pos.x;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 1] = p.pos.y;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 2] = p.pos.z;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 3] = 1.0;

invMass データも alignment 16 にしてあるので、もとの invMass データに加えて、12 バイト分のダミーのデータを入れる。

   // invMass
   this.particleData[16 * i + 12] = p.invMass;
   // dummy
   this.particleData[16 * i + 13] = 0.0;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 14] = 0.0;
   this.particleData[16 * i + 15] = 0.0;

2 solve Constraints
  GPU 計算で拘束を解く方法は、参照ページ “16 Simulation on the GPU” の “Graph Coloring” の方法で行なっている。
 Stretching、Shearing、Bending Constraints で計算する2点は、以下のようにする。GPU 計算では、1回の dispatch(実行) が終了するまで buffer の値は更新されない。そのため、mesh point が重ならないように、passNr や iw、ih パラメータを使って計算する mesh point をコントロールする。

Stretching Constraints
Stretch 1

Stretch 2

分割数 が 6 の場合、Stretch 1 における passNr 0, 1 に対応した2点の配置は次のようになる。

Shearing Constraints
Shear 1

Shear 2

Bending Constraints
Bend 1

Bend 2

Stretch 1 を計算する compute shader

struct Params {
    passNr: u32,
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> params : Params;

struct Particle {
    pos : vec3<f32>,
    vel : vec3<f32>,
    prePos : vec3<f32>,
    @align(16) invMass: f32,
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

@compute @workgroup_size(1)
// dispatch iw_max
fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
    let numSubsteps: u32 = ${numSubsteps};
    let dt: f32 = ${dt};
    let sdt: f32 = dt / f32(numSubsteps);
    let d0: f32 = ${this.defaultSpacingY};
    let compliance: f32 = ${stretchCompliance};

    let iw_max: u32 = ${this.iw_max};
    let ih_max: u32 = ${this.ih_max};
    let passNr: u32 = params.passNr;

    var index : u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;

    for (var ih: u32 = passNr; ih <= (ih_max - 1u) - 2u + passNr; ih = ih + 2u) {
        var id0: u32 = index + ih * iw_max;
        var id1: u32 = index + (ih + 1u) * iw_max;
        var w0: f32 = particles[id0].invMass;
        var w1: f32 = particles[id1].invMass;
        var w: f32 = w0 + w1;

        if (w == 0.0) {return;}

        var p0 : vec3<f32> = particles[id0].pos;
        var p1 : vec3<f32> = particles[id1].pos;
        var grad: vec3<f32> = p1 - p0;
        var d: f32 = length(grad);

        let alpha: f32 = compliance / sdt / sdt;
        var lambda: f32 = (d - d0) / (w + alpha);

        grad = normalize(grad);
        var delta_p0: vec3<f32> = grad * (w0 * lambda);
        particles[id0].pos = p0 + delta_p0;

        var delta_p1: vec3<f32> = grad * (-w1 * lambda);
        particles[id1].pos = p1 + delta_p1;

J. Bender, M. Müller, M. Macklin
Position-Based Simulation Methods in Computer Graphics 2017
EUROGRAPHICS 2017 Tutorial (2017)
Course notes の 4.2.6 XPBD と 5.1 Stretching の distance constraints の式を使う。

2点  \boldsymbol{x}_1 ,  \boldsymbol{x}_2 の位置補正の式は次のようになる。
  \Delta {\boldsymbol{x}}_1 = w_1 \lambda  {\boldsymbol{n}}
  \Delta {\boldsymbol{x}}_2 = -w_2 \lambda  {\boldsymbol{n}}

  \lambda = \frac{1}{w_1 + w_2 + \tilde{\alpha} \ \ } (|{\boldsymbol{x}}_{2, 1}| - d)
  {\boldsymbol{x}}_{2, 1} = {\boldsymbol{x}}_2 - {\boldsymbol{x}}_1
  {\boldsymbol{n}} = \frac{{\boldsymbol{x}}_{2,1}}{\ |{\boldsymbol{x}}_{2,1}| \ 
  \tilde{\alpha} = \frac{\alpha}{\Delta t^2 \ \ }

  d: rest length ,  \alpha: compliance
  w_1,  w_2: inverse mass of particles 1, 2

Shearing Bending にも同じ distance constraints の式を使う。

3 Uniform Buffer を用いた繰返し処理
 拘束を解く際に用いる passNr や iw、ih の値は uniform buffer を通して shader に渡し、それらの値を変えて繰返し処理を行う。
uniform のある値に対し shader を計算し、次に新しい値に対して同じ shader を使って計算する場合は、別々の ComputeShader object として定義する。そして、それぞれの ComputeShader を使って、uniform の値を変えて計算する。
ComputeShader の定義

// cs solveStretchConst1
   this.csSolveStretchConst1 = [];
   for (let passNr = 0; passNr < 2; passNr++) {
      const csSolve1 = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csSolve1", engine,
         { computeSource: computeShader.solveStretchConst1 },
         { bindingsMapping: {
             "params": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
             "particle": { group: 0, binding: 1 },
      csSolve1.setUniformBuffer("params", this.uBuffer);
      csSolve1.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);


ComputeShader の実行

for (let passNr = 0; passNr < 2; passNr++) {

UniformBuffer の設定とupdate メソッド

// Uniform buffer
this.uBuffer = new BABYLON.UniformBuffer(engine, undefined, undefined,
this.uBuffer.addUniform("passNr", 1);

updateParams(passNr) {
   this.uBuffer.updateInt("passNr", passNr);

4 ワークグループ
 compute shader の integrate と updateVel では GPU のワークグループサイズを 64 に設定している。


 integrate では、重力による速度の変化とそれによる位置の変化を計算している。updateVel では、拘束を解いた後の速度を計算している。この部分は、各 mesh point で同じ処理を行なっているので、並列計算が可能である。ワークグループサイズを 64 に設定し、同時処理する mesh point 毎の処理(ワークアイテム)の数を 64 にしている。
(ワークグループサイズの上限はより大きな値であるが、ここでは 64 にしている。)
 shader を実行する際は、dispatch のワークグループ数を numParticles / 64 にする。

// Integrate
   this.csIntegrate.dispatch(Math.ceil(this.numParticles / 64));

Babylon.js WebGPU Cloth Simulation

Babylon.js WebGPU を用いて、XPBD(extended position-based dynamics) による Cloth シミュレーションを行なってみました。
XPBD の計算は、compute shader で GPU 計算を行なっています。

XPBD による Cloth シミュレーションは、下記を参照しました。
Ten Minute Physics
 14 The secret of cloth simulation
 16 Simulation on the GPU
14 では、XPBD は CPU 計算を行い、メッシュオブジェクトの検出に Three.js のレイキャスト を使っています。
16 では、Python 言語でプログラムを記述しており、Warp ライブラリーを用いて XPBD のGPU 計算を行なっています。メッシュオブジェクトの検出には、OpenGL と GLU、GLUT ライブラリーを用いています。

ここでは、この2つを組み合わせる形で、Babylon.js の WebGPU を用いて、compute shader で XPBD の GPU 計算を行い、レイキャストを用いてメッシュオブジェクトの検出を行なっている。



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Babylon.js Cloth Sim</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="customMesh3D.js"></script>
<canvas id="renderCanvas" width="450" height="450"></canvas>

async function init() {
    const canvas = document.getElementById("renderCanvas");
    const engine = new BABYLON.WebGPUEngine(canvas);
    await engine.initAsync();

    const scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
    scene.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);

    const camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("camera",
        -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 8, new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.0, 0), scene);
    camera.attachControl(canvas, true);

    const light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light1",
        new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);
    light.intensity = 0.8;

    // Constants
    let gravity = [0.0, -10.0, 0.0];
    let dt = 1.0 / 60.0;
    let numSubsteps = 5;

    let cwidth  = 2;
    let cheight = 3;
    let cdivisions = 50;
    cdivisions = (cdivisions%2 == 0) ? cdivisions : cdivisions - 1;
    let stretchCompliance = 0.0000001;
    let bendingCompliance = 0.5;

class Cloth {
    constructor(mesh, scene) {
        let meshMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("meshMat", scene);
        meshMat.diffuseColor = BABYLON.Color3.Red();
        meshMat.backFaceCulling = false;

        this.customMesh = new BABYLON.Mesh("custom", scene);
        this.customMesh.material = meshMat;
        this.customMesh.userData = this; // for raycasting

        let vertexData = new BABYLON.VertexData();
        vertexData.positions = mesh.vertices;
        vertexData.indices = mesh.indices;

        vertexData.applyToMesh(this.customMesh, true);

        this.numParticles = mesh.vertices.length / 3;
        console.log("numParticles", this.numParticles);

        this.iw_max = cdivisions + 1;
        this.ih_max = cdivisions + 1;

        let defaultMass = 1.0;
        this.defaultSpacingX = cwidth / cdivisions;
        this.defaultSpacingY = cheight / cdivisions;
        // cpu data
        this.points = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < this.numParticles; ++i) {
            let iw = i % this.iw_max;
            let ih = Math.floor(i / this.iw_max);
            let invMass = ((ih == 0) && (iw == 0) ||
                (ih == 0) && (iw == this.iw_max-1)) ? 0 : 1 / defaultMass;
                pos: new BABYLON.Vector3(
                    mesh.vertices[3 * i + 0],
                    mesh.vertices[3 * i + 1],
                    mesh.vertices[3 * i + 2]),
                vel: new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
                prevPos: new BABYLON.Vector3(
                    mesh.vertices[3 * i + 0],
                    mesh.vertices[3 * i + 1],
                    mesh.vertices[3 * i + 2]),
                invMass: invMass,

        // buffer data
        this.particleData = new Float32Array(this.numParticles * 16);
        for (let i = 0; i < this.numParticles; ++i) {
            let p = this.points[i];
            // pos
            this.particleData[16 * i + 0] = p.pos.x;
            this.particleData[16 * i + 1] = p.pos.y;
            this.particleData[16 * i + 2] = p.pos.z;
            this.particleData[16 * i + 3] = 1.0;
            // vel
            this.particleData[16 * i + 4] = p.vel.x;
            this.particleData[16 * i + 5] = p.vel.y;
            this.particleData[16 * i + 6] = p.vel.z;
            this.particleData[16 * i + 7] = 1.0;
            // prePos
            this.particleData[16 * i + 8]  = p.prevPos.x;
            this.particleData[16 * i + 9]  = p.prevPos.y;
            this.particleData[16 * i + 10] = p.prevPos.z;
            this.particleData[16 * i + 11] = 1.0;
            // invMass
            this.particleData[16 * i + 12] = p.invMass;
            // dummy
            this.particleData[16 * i + 13] = 0.0;
            this.particleData[16 * i + 14] = 0.0;
            this.particleData[16 * i + 15] = 0.0;
        console.log("particleData", Array.from(this.particleData));

        this.particleBuffers = new BABYLON.StorageBuffer(engine,

        this.grabId = -1;
        this.grabInvMass = 0.0;

        this.grabIdData = new Int32Array([this.grabId]);
        this.grabIdBuffer = new BABYLON.StorageBuffer(engine,

        this.grabInvMassData = new Float32Array([this.grabInvMass]);
        this.grabInvMassBuffer = new BABYLON.StorageBuffer(engine,

        // Uniform buffer
        this.uBuffer = new BABYLON.UniformBuffer(engine, undefined, undefined, "uBuffer");
        this.uBuffer.addUniform("passNr", 1);
        // uniform startGrab
        this.grab1UBuffer = new BABYLON.UniformBuffer(engine, undefined, undefined, "grab1UBuffer");
        this.grab1UBuffer.addUniform("pos", 3);
        // unihorm moveGrabbed
        this.grab12UBuffer = new BABYLON.UniformBuffer(engine, undefined, undefined, "grab12UBuffer");
        this.grab12UBuffer.addUniform("pos", 3);
        // uniform endGrab
        this.grab2UBuffer = new BABYLON.UniformBuffer(engine, undefined, undefined, "grab2UBuffer");
        this.grab2UBuffer.addUniform("vel", 3);


    setComputeShader() {
        const computeShader = {
        struct Particle {
            pos : vec3<f32>,
            vel : vec3<f32>,
            prePos : vec3<f32>,
            @align(16) invMass: f32,
        @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

        @compute @workgroup_size(64)
        fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
            let numSubsteps: u32 = ${numSubsteps};
            let dt: f32 = ${dt};
            let sdt: f32 = dt / f32(numSubsteps);
            let gravity: f32 = ${gravity[1]};

            var index : u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;
            let vInvMass: f32 = particles[index].invMass;
            if (vInvMass == 0.0) { return; }

            var vPos : vec3<f32> = particles[index].pos;
            var vVel : vec3<f32> = particles[index].vel;

            vVel.y += gravity * sdt;

            particles[index].prePos = vPos;

            vPos = vPos + vVel * sdt;

            particles[index].pos = vPos;
            particles[index].vel = vVel;

        struct Params {
            passNr: u32,
        @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> params : Params;

        struct Particle {
            pos : vec3<f32>,
            vel : vec3<f32>,
            prePos : vec3<f32>,
            @align(16) invMass: f32,
        @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

        @compute @workgroup_size(1)
        // dispatch iw_max
        fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
            let numSubsteps: u32 = ${numSubsteps};
            let dt: f32 = ${dt};
            let sdt: f32 = dt / f32(numSubsteps);
            let d0: f32 = ${this.defaultSpacingY};
            let compliance: f32 = ${stretchCompliance};

            let iw_max: u32 = ${this.iw_max};
            let ih_max: u32 = ${this.ih_max};
            let passNr: u32 = params.passNr;

            var index : u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;

            for (var ih: u32 = passNr; ih <= (ih_max - 1u) - 2u + passNr; ih = ih + 2u) {
                var id0: u32 = index + ih * iw_max;
                var id1: u32 = index + (ih + 1u) * iw_max;
                var w0: f32 = particles[id0].invMass;
                var w1: f32 = particles[id1].invMass;
                var w: f32 = w0 + w1;

                if (w == 0.0) {return;}

                var p0 : vec3<f32> = particles[id0].pos;
                var p1 : vec3<f32> = particles[id1].pos;
                var grad: vec3<f32> = p1 - p0;
                var d: f32 = length(grad);

                let alpha: f32 = compliance / sdt / sdt;
                var lambda: f32 = (d - d0) / (w + alpha);

                grad = normalize(grad);
                var delta_p0: vec3<f32> = grad * (w0 * lambda);
                particles[id0].pos = p0 + delta_p0;

                var delta_p1: vec3<f32> = grad * (-w1 * lambda);
                particles[id1].pos = p1 + delta_p1;

        struct Params {
            passNr: u32,
        @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> params : Params;

        struct Particle {
            pos : vec3<f32>,
            vel : vec3<f32>,
            prePos : vec3<f32>,
            @align(16) invMass: f32,
        @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

        @compute @workgroup_size(1)
        // dispatch ih_max
        fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
            let numSubsteps: u32 = ${numSubsteps};
            let dt: f32 = ${dt};
            let sdt: f32 = dt / f32(numSubsteps);
            let d0: f32 = ${this.defaultSpacingX};
            let compliance: f32 = ${stretchCompliance};

            let iw_max: u32 = ${this.iw_max};
            let passNr: u32 = params.passNr;

            var index : u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;

            for (var iw: u32 = passNr; iw <= (iw_max - 1u) - 2u + passNr; iw = iw + 2u) {
                var id0: u32 = iw + index * iw_max;
                var id1: u32 = (iw + 1u) + index * iw_max;
                var w0: f32 = particles[id0].invMass;
                var w1: f32 = particles[id1].invMass;
                var w: f32 = w0 + w1;

                if (w == 0.0) {return;}

                var p0 : vec3<f32> = particles[id0].pos;
                var p1 : vec3<f32> = particles[id1].pos;
                var grad: vec3<f32> = p1 - p0;
                var d: f32 = length(grad);

                let alpha: f32 = compliance / sdt / sdt;
                var lambda: f32 = (d - d0) / (w + alpha);

                grad = normalize(grad);
                var delta_p0: vec3<f32> = grad * (w0 * lambda);
                particles[id0].pos = p0 + delta_p0;

                var delta_p1: vec3<f32> = grad * (-w1 * lambda);
                particles[id1].pos = p1 + delta_p1;

        struct Params {
            passNr: u32,
        @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> params : Params;

        struct Particle {
            pos : vec3<f32>,
            vel : vec3<f32>,
            prePos : vec3<f32>,
            @align(16) invMass: f32,
        @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

        @compute @workgroup_size(1)
        // dispatch iw_max-1
        fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
            let numSubsteps: u32 = ${numSubsteps};
            let dt: f32 = ${dt};
            let sdt: f32 = dt / f32(numSubsteps);
            let d0X: vec2<f32> = vec2(${this.defaultSpacingX}, 0);
            let d0Y: vec2<f32> = vec2(0, ${this.defaultSpacingY});
            let d0: f32 = length(d0X - d0Y);
            let compliance: f32 = ${stretchCompliance};

            let iw_max: u32 = ${this.iw_max};
            let ih_max: u32 = ${this.ih_max};
            let passNr: u32 = params.passNr;

            var index : u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;

            for (var ih: u32 = passNr; ih <= (ih_max - 1u) - 2u + passNr; ih = ih + 2u) {
                var id0: u32 = index + ih * iw_max;
                var id1: u32 = (index + 1u) + (ih + 1u) * iw_max;
                var w0: f32 = particles[id0].invMass;
                var w1: f32 = particles[id1].invMass;
                var w: f32 = w0 + w1;

                if (w == 0.0) {return;}

                var p0 : vec3<f32> = particles[id0].pos;
                var p1 : vec3<f32> = particles[id1].pos;
                var grad: vec3<f32> = p1 - p0;
                var d: f32 = length(grad);

                let alpha: f32 = compliance / sdt / sdt;
                var lambda: f32 = (d - d0) / (w + alpha);

                grad = normalize(grad);
                var delta_p0: vec3<f32> = grad * (w0 * lambda);
                particles[id0].pos = p0 + delta_p0;

                var delta_p1: vec3<f32> = grad * (-w1 * lambda);
                particles[id1].pos = p1 + delta_p1;

        struct Params {
            passNr: u32,
        @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> params : Params;

        struct Particle {
            pos : vec3<f32>,
            vel : vec3<f32>,
            prePos : vec3<f32>,
            @align(16) invMass: f32,
        @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

        @compute @workgroup_size(1)
        // dispatch ih_max-1
        fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
            let numSubsteps: u32 = ${numSubsteps};
            let dt: f32 = ${dt};
            let sdt: f32 = dt / f32(numSubsteps);
            let d0X: vec2<f32> = vec2(${this.defaultSpacingX}, 0);
            let d0Y: vec2<f32> = vec2(0, ${this.defaultSpacingY});
            let d0: f32 = length(d0X + d0Y);
            let compliance: f32 = ${stretchCompliance};

            let iw_max: u32 = ${this.iw_max};
            let passNr: u32 = params.passNr;

            var index : u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;

            for (var iw: u32 = passNr; iw <= (iw_max - 1u) - 2u + passNr; iw = iw + 2u) {
                var id0: u32 = (iw + 1u) + index * iw_max;
                var id1: u32 = iw + (index + 1u) * iw_max;
                var w0: f32 = particles[id0].invMass;
                var w1: f32 = particles[id1].invMass;
                var w: f32 = w0 + w1;

                if (w == 0.0) {return;}

                var p0 : vec3<f32> = particles[id0].pos;
                var p1 : vec3<f32> = particles[id1].pos;
                var grad: vec3<f32> = p1 - p0;
                var d: f32 = length(grad);

                let alpha: f32 = compliance / sdt / sdt;
                var lambda: f32 = (d - d0) / (w + alpha);

                grad = normalize(grad);
                var delta_p0: vec3<f32> = grad * (w0 * lambda);
                particles[id0].pos = p0 + delta_p0;

                var delta_p1: vec3<f32> = grad * (-w1 * lambda);
                particles[id1].pos = p1 + delta_p1;

        struct Params {
            passNr: u32,
        @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> params : Params;

        struct Particle {
            pos : vec3<f32>,
            vel : vec3<f32>,
            prePos : vec3<f32>,
            @align(16) invMass: f32,
        @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

        @compute @workgroup_size(1)
        // dispatch iw_max
        fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
            let numSubsteps: u32 = ${numSubsteps};
            let dt: f32 = ${dt};
            let sdt: f32 = dt / f32(numSubsteps);
            let spacingY: f32 = ${this.defaultSpacingY};
            let d0: f32 = spacingY * 2;
            let compliance: f32 = ${bendingCompliance};

            let iw_max: u32 = ${this.iw_max};
            let ih: u32 = params.passNr;

            var index : u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;

            var id0: u32 = index + ih * iw_max;
            var id1: u32 = index + (ih + 2u) * iw_max;
            var w0: f32 = particles[id0].invMass;
            var w1: f32 = particles[id1].invMass;
            var w: f32 = w0 + w1;

            if (w == 0.0) {return;}

            var p0 : vec3<f32> = particles[id0].pos;
            var p1 : vec3<f32> = particles[id1].pos;
            var grad: vec3<f32> = p1 - p0;
            var d: f32 = length(grad);

            let alpha: f32 = compliance / sdt / sdt;
            var lambda: f32 = (d - d0) / (w + alpha);

            grad = normalize(grad);
            var delta_p0: vec3<f32> = grad * (w0 * lambda);
            particles[id0].pos = p0 + delta_p0;

            var delta_p1: vec3<f32> = grad * (-w1 * lambda);
            particles[id1].pos = p1 + delta_p1;

        struct Params {
            passNr: u32,
        @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> params : Params;

        struct Particle {
            pos : vec3<f32>,
            vel : vec3<f32>,
            prePos : vec3<f32>,
            @align(16) invMass: f32,
        @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

        @compute @workgroup_size(1)
        // dispatch ih_max
        fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
            let numSubsteps: u32 = ${numSubsteps};
            let dt: f32 = ${dt};
            let sdt: f32 = dt / f32(numSubsteps);
            let spacingX: f32 = ${this.defaultSpacingX};
            let d0: f32 = spacingX * 2;
            let compliance: f32 = ${bendingCompliance};

            let iw_max: u32 = ${this.iw_max};
            let iw: u32 = params.passNr;

            var index : u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;

            var id0: u32 = iw + index * iw_max;
            var id1: u32 = (iw + 2u) + index * iw_max;
            var w0: f32 = particles[id0].invMass;
            var w1: f32 = particles[id1].invMass;
            var w: f32 = w0 + w1;

            if (w == 0.0) {return;}

            var p0 : vec3<f32> = particles[id0].pos;
            var p1 : vec3<f32> = particles[id1].pos;
            var grad: vec3<f32> = p1 - p0;
            var d: f32 = length(grad);

            let alpha: f32 = compliance / sdt / sdt;
            var lambda: f32 = (d - d0) / (w + alpha);

            grad = normalize(grad);
            var delta_p0: vec3<f32> = grad * (w0 * lambda);
            particles[id0].pos = p0 + delta_p0;

            var delta_p1: vec3<f32> = grad * (-w1 * lambda);
            particles[id1].pos = p1 + delta_p1;

        struct Particle {
            pos : vec3<f32>,
            vel : vec3<f32>,
            prePos : vec3<f32>,
            @align(16) invMass: f32,
        @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

        @compute @workgroup_size(64)
        fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
            let numSubsteps: u32 = ${numSubsteps};
            let dt: f32 = ${dt};
            let sdt: f32 = dt / f32(numSubsteps);

            var index : u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;
            let vInvMass: f32 = particles[index].invMass;
            if (vInvMass == 0.0) { return; }

            var vPos : vec3<f32> = particles[index].pos;
            var vPrePos : vec3<f32> = particles[index].prePos;
            var vVel : vec3<f32> = (vPos - vPrePos) / sdt;

            particles[index].vel = vVel;
        struct Particle {
            pos : vec3<f32>,
            vel : vec3<f32>,
            prePos : vec3<f32>,
            @align(16) invMass: f32,
        @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

        @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> grabId : i32;

        @group(0) @binding(2) var<storage, read_write> grabInvMass : f32;

        struct Params {
            pos: vec3<f32>,
        @group(0) @binding(3) var<uniform> params : Params;

        @compute @workgroup_size(1)
        // dispatch: 1
        fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
            var index: u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;

            let pos: vec3<f32> = params.pos;
            let gId: i32 = grabId;

            var gInvMass: f32 = 0.0;

            if (gId >= 0) {
                gInvMass = particles[gId].invMass;
                particles[gId].invMass = 0.0;
                particles[gId].pos = pos;

            grabInvMass = gInvMass;

        struct Particle {
            pos : vec3<f32>,
            vel : vec3<f32>,
            prePos : vec3<f32>,
            @align(16) invMass: f32,
        @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

        @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> grabId : i32;

        struct Params {
            pos: vec3<f32>,
        @group(0) @binding(2) var<uniform> params : Params;

        @compute @workgroup_size(1)
        // dispatch: 1
        fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
            var index: u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;

            let pos: vec3<f32> = params.pos;
            let gId: i32 = grabId;

            if (gId >= 0) {
                particles[gId].pos = pos;

        struct Particle {
            pos : vec3<f32>,
            vel : vec3<f32>,
            prePos : vec3<f32>,
            @align(16) invMass: f32,
        @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> particles : array<Particle>;

        @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> grabId : i32;

        @group(0) @binding(2) var<storage, read_write> grabInvMass : f32;

        struct Params {
            vel: vec3<f32>,
        @group(0) @binding(3) var<uniform> params : Params;

        @compute @workgroup_size(1)
        // dispatch: 1
        fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
            var index: u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;

            let vel: vec3<f32> = params.vel;
            let gId: i32 = grabId;

            if (gId >= 0) {
                particles[gId].invMass = grabInvMass;
                particles[gId].vel = vel;
            grabId = -1;

        // cs integrate
        this.csIntegrate = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csIntegrate", engine,
            { computeSource: computeShader.integrate },
            { bindingsMapping: {
                    "particle": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
        this.csIntegrate.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);        

        // cs solveStretchConst1
        this.csSolveStretchConst1 = [];
        for (let passNr = 0; passNr < 2; passNr++) {
            const csSolve1 = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csSolve1", engine,
                { computeSource: computeShader.solveStretchConst1 },
                { bindingsMapping: {
                    "params": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
                    "particle": { group: 0, binding: 1 },
            csSolve1.setUniformBuffer("params", this.uBuffer);
            csSolve1.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);


        // cs solveStretchConst2
        this.csSolveStretchConst2 = [];
        for (let passNr = 0; passNr < 2; passNr++) {
            const csSolve2 = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csSolve2", engine,
                { computeSource: computeShader.solveStretchConst2 },
                { bindingsMapping: {
                    "params": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
                    "particle": { group: 0, binding: 1 },
            csSolve2.setUniformBuffer("params", this.uBuffer);
            csSolve2.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);


        // cs solveShearConst1
        this.csSolveShearConst1 = [];
        for (let passNr = 0; passNr < 2; passNr++) {
            const csShear1 = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csShear1", engine,
                { computeSource: computeShader.solveShearConst1 },
                { bindingsMapping: {
                    "params": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
                    "particle": { group: 0, binding: 1 },
            csShear1.setUniformBuffer("params", this.uBuffer);
            csShear1.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);


        this.csSolveShearConst2 = [];
        for (let passNr = 0; passNr < 2; passNr++) {
            const csShear2 = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csShear2", engine,
                { computeSource: computeShader.solveShearConst2 },
                { bindingsMapping: {
                    "params": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
                    "particle": { group: 0, binding: 1 },
            csShear2.setUniformBuffer("params", this.uBuffer);
            csShear2.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);


        // cs solveBendConst1
        this.csSolveBendConst1 = [];
        // passNr -> ih
        for (let ih = 0; ih < (this.ih_max-1) - 1; ih++) {
            const csBend1 = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csBend1", engine,
                { computeSource: computeShader.solveBendConst1 },
                { bindingsMapping: {
                    "params": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
                    "particle": { group: 0, binding: 1 },
            csBend1.setUniformBuffer("params", this.uBuffer);
            csBend1.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);


        // cs solveBendConst2
        this.csSolveBendConst2 = [];
        // passNr -> iw
        for (let iw = 0; iw < (this.iw_max-1) - 1; iw++) {
            const csBend2 = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csBend2", engine,
                { computeSource: computeShader.solveBendConst2 },
                { bindingsMapping: {
                    "params": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
                    "particle": { group: 0, binding: 1 },
            csBend2.setUniformBuffer("params", this.uBuffer);
            csBend2.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);


        // cs updateVel
        this.csUpdateVel = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csUpdateVel", engine,
            { computeSource: computeShader.updateVel },
            { bindingsMapping: {
                    "particle": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
        this.csUpdateVel.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);

       // cs startGrab
       this.csStartGrab = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csStartGrab", engine,
            { computeSource: computeShader.startGrab },
            { bindingsMapping: {
                    "particle": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
                    "grabId": { group: 0, binding: 1 },
                    "grabInvMass": { group: 0, binding: 2 },
                    "params": { group: 0, binding: 3 },
        this.csStartGrab.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);
        this.csStartGrab.setStorageBuffer("grabId", this.grabIdBuffer);
        this.csStartGrab.setStorageBuffer("grabInvMass", this.grabInvMassBuffer);
        this.csStartGrab.setUniformBuffer("params", this.grab1UBuffer);
        // cs moveGrabbed
        this.csMoveGrabbed = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csMoveGrabbed", engine,
            { computeSource: computeShader.moveGrabbed },
            { bindingsMapping: {
                    "particle": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
                    "grabId": { group: 0, binding: 1 },
                    "params": { group: 0, binding: 2 },
        this.csMoveGrabbed.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);
        this.csMoveGrabbed.setStorageBuffer("grabId", this.grabIdBuffer);
        this.csMoveGrabbed.setUniformBuffer("params", this.grab12UBuffer);

        // cs endGrab
        this.csEndGrab = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("csEndGrab", engine,
            { computeSource: computeShader.endGrab },
            { bindingsMapping: {
                    "particle": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
                    "grabId": { group: 0, binding: 1 },
                    "grabInvMass": { group: 0, binding: 2 },
                    "params": { group: 0, binding: 3 },
        this.csEndGrab.setStorageBuffer("particle", this.particleBuffers);
        this.csEndGrab.setStorageBuffer("grabId", this.grabIdBuffer);
        this.csEndGrab.setStorageBuffer("grabInvMass", this.grabInvMassBuffer);
        this.csEndGrab.setUniformBuffer("params", this.grab2UBuffer);

    updateParams(passNr) {
        this.uBuffer.updateInt("passNr", passNr);

    simulate() {
        // Integrate
        this.csIntegrate.dispatch(Math.ceil(this.numParticles / 64));

        // solve stretch constraints
        for (let passNr = 0; passNr < 2; passNr++) {

        for (let passNr = 0; passNr < 2; passNr++) {

        // solve shear constraints
        for (let passNr = 0; passNr < 2; passNr++) {

        for (let passNr = 0; passNr < 2; passNr++) {

        // solve bending constraints
        for (let ih = 0; ih < (this.ih_max-1) - 1; ih++) {

        for (let iw = 0; iw < (this.iw_max-1 - 1); iw++) {
        // update velocities
        this.csUpdateVel.dispatch(Math.ceil(this.numParticles / 64));

    updateMeshes() {
            const meshVertexBuffer = this.customMesh.getVertexBuffer("position");
   => {
            const resFloats = new Float32Array(res.buffer);
            let pos = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < this.numParticles; ++i) {
                    resFloats[16 * i],
                    resFloats[16 * i + 1],
                    resFloats[16 * i + 2]);

    startGrab(pos) {
        this.grab1UBuffer.updateVector3("pos", pos);

        this.grabIdBuffer.update(new Int32Array([this.grabId]));

        this.csStartGrab.dispatch(1); => {
            const resFloats = new Int32Array(res.buffer);
            console.log("res gId", resFloats[0]);
        }); => {
            const resFloats = new Float32Array(res.buffer);
            console.log("res gInvMass", resFloats[0]);

    moveGrabbed(pos, vel) {
        this.grab12UBuffer.updateVector3("pos", pos);


    endGrab(pos, vel) {
        this.grab2UBuffer.updateVector3("vel", vel);


//-- Grabber --------
class Grabber {
    constructor() {
        this.physicsObject = null;
        this.distance = 0.0;
        this.prevPos = new BABYLON.Vector3();
        this.vel = new BABYLON.Vector3();
        this.time = 0.0;
    increaseTime(dt) {
        this.time += dt;

    start(pickInfo) {
        this.physicsObject = null;

        let obj = pickInfo.pickedMesh.userData;
        let indices = pickInfo.pickedMesh.getIndices();
        console.log("faceId", pickInfo.faceId,
            "index", indices[pickInfo.faceId * 3], indices[pickInfo.faceId * 3 + 1], indices[pickInfo.faceId * 3 + 2]);

        this.physicsObject = obj;
        this.distance = pickInfo.distance;
        this.ray = pickInfo.ray;

        let pos = pickInfo.pickedPoint;
        let minD2 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
        let gId = -1;
        for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            let idx = indices[pickInfo.faceId * 3 + j];
            let obj_pos = this.physicsObject.points[idx].pos;
            let d2 = BABYLON.Vector3.DistanceSquared(pos, obj_pos);
            if (d2 < minD2) {
                minD2 = d2;
                gId = idx;
        console.log("gId", gId);
        obj.grabId = gId;

        this.vel.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        this.time = 0.0;

    move(pickInfo) {
        if (this.physicsObject) {
            let pos = pickInfo.ray.origin.clone();
            pos = pos.add(pickInfo.ray.direction.scale(this.distance));

            this.vel = this.vel.subtract(this.prevPos);
            if (this.time > 0.0) {
                this.vel.scale(1 / this.time);
            else {
                this.vel.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            this.time = 0.0;

            this.physicsObject.moveGrabbed(pos, this.vel);

    end(pickInfo) {
        if (this.physicsObject) { 
            this.physicsObject.endGrab(this.prevPos, this.vel);
            this.physicsObject = null;

//-- mouse event
function mouse_event() {
        scene.onPointerDown = function (event, pickInfo){
            console.log("mouseDown pickInfo", pickInfo);
            console.log("mouseDown pickInfo", pickInfo.hit);
            if (pickInfo.hit == true) {
                console.log("mouseDown pickInfo id",;
                console.log("mouseDown pickInfo faceId", pickInfo.faceId);

        scene.onPointerMove = function (event, pickInfo){

        scene.onPointerUp = function (event, pickInfo){
            camera.attachControl(canvas, true);

function update() {

        for (let step = 0; step < numSubsteps; step++) {


    let clothMesh = createClothMesh(cwidth, cheight, cdivisions);

    let cloth = new Cloth(clothMesh, scene);

    let gGrabber = new Grabber();

    scene.registerBeforeRender(function () {

    engine.runRenderLoop(() => {



// create Mesh Vertices and Indices
function createClothMesh(width, height, subdivision) {

let xi, yi, numXY, spaceX, spaceY;
numXY = subdivision;
spaceX = width / subdivision;
spaceY = height / subdivision;

let positions = [];
let px, py;
for (yi = 0; yi < (numXY + 1); yi++)
for (xi = 0; xi < (numXY + 1); xi++) {
    let id = xi + yi * (numXY + 1);
    px = (-numXY * 0.5 + xi) * spaceX;
    py = ( numXY * 0.5 - yi) * spaceY;
    pz = 0.0;
    //console.log("id position", id, px, py,pz);

    positions.push(px, py, pz);
//console.log("positions", positions);

let indices = [];
let id0, id1, id2, id3;
for (yi = 0; yi < numXY; yi++)
for (xi = 0; xi < numXY; xi++) {
    id0 = yi * (numXY + 1) + xi;
    id1 = (yi + 1) * (numXY + 1) + xi;
    id2 = (yi + 1) * (numXY + 1) + xi + 1;
    id3 = yi * (numXY + 1) + xi + 1;

    indices.push(id0, id1, id2);

    indices.push(id0, id2, id3);

return { name: "custom", vertices: positions, indices: indices}

Chrome Stable WebGPU

chrome stable version 103
WebGPU: version 2022/05/13
WGSL: version 2022/04/11

chrome の安定版(現在のバージョンは 103)でも、WebGPU を利用できます。
WebGPU Samples
このサンプルでは、Next.js, Node.js などのライブラリを使用しています。

これらのライブラリを使用しないで、WebGPU を利用するには、コマンドラインから --enable-unsafe-webgpu を付けて起動します。(”chrome://flags" では表示されません。)
mac の例 open -a "Google Chrome" --args --enable-unsafe-webgpu

chrome canary と同様に、この時点では GPUDevice の読込みが不安定になっています。requestDevice の read error となる場合は、再読み込みや再起動を行います。


chrome 103 chrome canary 105
context.getPreferredFormat(adapter) navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat()
compositingAlphaMode: "premultiplied" alphaMode: "premultiplied"
Pipeline Stage Attributes
@stage(vertex) @vertex
@stage(fragment) @frafment
@stage(compute) @compute

WebGPU Triangle and Instancing (WebGPU, WGSL update)

chrome canary version 105
WebGPU, WGSL 06/17/2022

chrome canary について
(WebGPU を利用するには、chrome://flags/#enable-unsafe-webgpu
 この時点では GPUDevice の読み込みが不安定になっています。
 requestDevice の read error となる場合は、再読み込みをします。
 この場合は、chrome を再起動します。



1 canvas.getContext("gpupresent") -> canvas.getContext("webgpu")
2 context.configureSwapChain() -> context.configure()
3 context.getPreferredFormat(adapter) ->
4 swapChain.getCurrentTexture().createView() ->
5 render pass: endPass() -> end()

1 CanvasConfiguration
 alphaMode default change ->
  alphaMode を使用するときは、”premultiplied" を設定
2 render pipeline lauout
 layout の設定が必要 -> implicit pipeline layout の場合は、’auto' を設定
3 renderPass ColorAttachments
 attachment -> view
 loadValue -> clearValue
 loadOp -> 要設定
 storeOp -> 要設定

attributes の変更

1 [[stage(vertex)]] -> @vertex
2 [[builtin(vertex_index)]] -> @builtin(vertex_index)
   [[builtin(position)]] -> @builtin(position)
3 [[stage(fragment)]] -> @fragment
4 [[location(0)]] -> @location(0)

1 compute pass dispatch() -> dispatchWorkgroups()
2 compute pass endPass() -> end()

1 structure

 [[block]] struct Uniforms {} -> [[block]] 不要
 struct Uniforms {
    proj_view : mat4x4<f32>
 メンバー区切りの変更 ";" -> ","

2 attributes

 [[binding(0), group(0)]] -> @binding(0) @group(0)
 [[stage(compute)]] -> @compute @workgroup_size(64)


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>WebGPU Triangle WGSL</title>
<canvas id="webgpu-canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>

(async () => {
    const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
    const device = await adapter.requestDevice();

    const canvas = document.getElementById("webgpu-canvas");
    const context = canvas.getContext("webgpu");

    const wgslShaders = {
    vertex: `
    fn main(@builtin(vertex_index) VertexIndex : u32)
         -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
    var pos = array<vec2<f32>, 3>(
      vec2<f32>(0.0, 0.5),
      vec2<f32>(-0.5, -0.5),
      vec2<f32>(0.5, -0.5));

    return vec4<f32>(pos[VertexIndex], 0.0, 1.0);

    fragment: `
    fn main() -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
        return vec4<f32>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    const presentationFormat = navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat();
        format: presentationFormat,
        alphaMode: "premultiplied",

    const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
        layout: "auto",
        vertex: {
            module: device.createShaderModule({
                code: wgslShaders.vertex
            entryPoint: "main",
        fragment: {
            module: device.createShaderModule({
                code: wgslShaders.fragment
            entryPoint: "main",
            targets: [{
                format: "bgra8unorm",
        primitive: {
            topology: "triangle-list"

    // render
    requestAnimationFrame(function frame() {
        const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
        const textureView = context.getCurrentTexture().createView();
        const renderPassDesc = {
            colorAttachments: [{
                view: textureView,
                clearValue: { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 },
                loadOp: 'clear',
                storeOp: 'store',

        // render pass
        const renderPass = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDesc);
        renderPass.draw(3, 1, 0, 0);




<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>WebGPU Instancing</title>
    <script src="../libs/gl-matrix-min.js"></script>
    <script src="../libs/webgl-util.js"></script>
    <script src="../libs/utils.js"></script>
<canvas id="webgpu-canvas" width="500" height="400"></canvas>

(async () => {
    const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
    const device = await adapter.requestDevice();

    const canvas = document.getElementById("webgpu-canvas");
    const context = canvas.getContext("webgpu");

    const NUM_PARTICLES = 100;
    const POINT_SIZE = 0.1;

    //// camera
    const eye = [0, 0, 4];
    const center = [0, 0, 0];
    const up = [0, 1, 0];

    //// initial particle data
    var particleData = new Float32Array(8 * NUM_PARTICLES);
    for (let i = 0; i < particleData.length; i += 8)
        //// position data
        particleData[i]     = Math.random() * 2.0 - 1.0;
        particleData[i + 1] = Math.random() * 2.0 - 1.0;
        particleData[i + 2] = Math.random() * 2.0 - 1.0;
        particleData[i + 3] = 1;
        //// velocity data
        particleData[i + 4] = (Math.random() * 2.0 - 1.0) * 0.005;
        particleData[i + 5] = (Math.random() * 2.0 - 1.0) * 0.005;
        particleData[i + 6] = (Math.random() * 2.0 - 1.0) * 0.005;
        particleData[i + 7] = 1;

    const particleBuffer = device.createBuffer({
        size: particleData.byteLength,
        usage: GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE
    device.queue.writeBuffer(particleBuffer, 0, particleData);

    //// WGSL Shader (vertex, fragnebt, compute)
    const wgslShaders = {
    struct Uniforms {
        proj_view : mat4x4<f32>

    @binding(0) @group(0) var<uniform> uniforms : Uniforms;

    fn main(@location(0) vertexPosition : vec3<f32>,
            @location(2) position : vec3<f32>)
        -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32>{
        var scale : f32 = ${POINT_SIZE};
        var scaleMTX : mat4x4<f32> = mat4x4<f32>(
            vec4<f32>(scale, 0.0,   0.0,   0.0),
            vec4<f32>(0.0,   scale, 0.0,   0.0),
            vec4<f32>(0.0,   0.0,   scale, 0.0),
            vec4<f32>(position, 1.0)

        return uniforms.proj_view * scaleMTX * vec4<f32>(vertexPosition, 1.0);

    fn main() -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
        return vec4<f32>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    struct Particle {
        pos : vec3<f32>,
        vel : vec3<f32>,
    struct Particles {
        particles : array<Particle, ${NUM_PARTICLES}>

    @binding(0) @group(0) var<storage, read_write> particle : Particles;

    @compute @workgroup_size(64)
    fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
        var index: u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x;

        var position: vec3<f32> = particle.particles[index].pos;
        var velocity: vec3<f32> = particle.particles[index].vel;
        var new_position: vec3<f32> = position + velocity;

        if (abs(new_position.x) >= 1.0) {
            particle.particles[index].vel.x = - velocity.x;
        if (abs(new_position.y) >= 1.0) {
            particle.particles[index].vel.y = - velocity.y;
        if (abs(new_position.z) >= 1.0) {
            particle.particles[index].vel.z = - velocity.z;

        particle.particles[index].pos = new_position;

    const computePipeline = device.createComputePipeline({
        layout: "auto",
        compute: {
            module: device.createShaderModule({
                code: wgslShaders.compute}),
            entryPoint: "main"

    const computeBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
        layout: computePipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
        entries: [
                binding: 0,
                resource: {
                    buffer: particleBuffer

    const cubeData = utils.createCube();
    const numVertices = cubeData.positions.length / 3;

    const vertexBuffer = device.createBuffer({
        size: cubeData.positions.byteLength,
        usage: GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST
    device.queue.writeBuffer(vertexBuffer, 0, cubeData.positions);

    //// Setup render outputs
    const presentationFormat = navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat();
        format: presentationFormat,
        alphaMode: "premultiplied",

    var pipeline_point = device.createRenderPipeline({
        layout: "auto",
        vertex: {
            module: device.createShaderModule({
                code: wgslShaders.vertex}),
            entryPoint: "main",
            buffers: [
                arrayStride: 12,
                attributes: [
                    shaderLocation: 0,
                    format: "float32x3",
                    offset: 0
                arrayStride: 16 * 2,
                stepMode: "instance",
                attributes: [{
                    shaderLocation: 2,
                    format: "float32x3",
                    offset: 0
        fragment: {
            module: device.createShaderModule({
                code: wgslShaders.fragment}),
            entryPoint: "main",
            targets: [{
                format: "bgra8unorm",
        primitive: {
            topology: "triangle-list"

    //// Setup renderPassDesc
    var renderPassDesc = {
        colorAttachments: [{
            view: undefined,
            clearValue: { r: 0.2, g: 0.2, b: 0.2, a: 1.0 },
                loadOp: 'clear',
                storeOp: 'store',

    //// Create uniform buffer
    var viewParamsBuffer = device.createBuffer({
        size: 16 * 4,
        usage: GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST

    //// Create bind group (setup uniform buffer)
    var bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
        layout: pipeline_point.getBindGroupLayout(0),
        entries: [
                binding: 0,
                resource: {
                    buffer: viewParamsBuffer

    //// Create arcball camera and view projection matrix
    var camera = new ArcballCamera(eye, center, up,
        0.5, [canvas.width, canvas.height]);
    var projection = mat4.perspective(mat4.create(), 50 * Math.PI / 180.0,
        canvas.width / canvas.height, 0.1, 100);
    //// projection_view matrix
    var projView = mat4.create();

    //// Controller
    var controller = new Controller();
    controller.mousemove = function(prev, cur, evt) {
        if (evt.buttons == 1) {
            camera.rotate(prev, cur);
        } else if (evt.buttons == 2) {
            camera.pan([cur[0] - prev[0], prev[1] - cur[1]]);
    controller.wheel = function(amt) { camera.zoom(amt * 3.0); };

    //// render
    requestAnimationFrame(function frame() {
        const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();

        //// compute pass
        var computePass = commandEncoder.beginComputePass();

        computePass.setBindGroup(0, computeBindGroup);


        //// render pass setting
        renderPassDesc.colorAttachments[0].view =

        projView = mat4.mul(projView, projection,;
        device.queue.writeBuffer(viewParamsBuffer, 0, projView);

        const renderPass = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDesc);
        renderPass.setVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer);
        renderPass.setVertexBuffer(1, particleBuffer);
        renderPass.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
        renderPass.draw(numVertices, NUM_PARTICLES, 0, 0);




1 point(cubeで表現)を描画するためのcubeプログラム utils.js
  WebGPU Examples
2 cameraプログラム webgl-util.min.js
  WebGPU Experiments
3 matrix and vector計算ライブラリ gl-matrix.js

物理シミュレーション 剛体の衝突 4 PositionBased ( ShapeMatching )

PositionBased ( ShapeMatching ) による、剛体の衝突シミュレーションです。

[ 実行結果]

Meshless Deformations Based on Shape Matching
藤澤 誠著「CGのための物理シミュレーションの基礎」( マイナビ )

Physical animation with shape matching (Claudio Esperança)
右上にある […] アイコンの Export からコードをダウンロードできる。
69eb2ec167e70941@1046.js がメインのプログラムである。

シェイプマッチング (Shape Matching) 法

剛体の初期状態の頂点座標を  {\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0、変形後の頂点座標を  {\boldsymbol{x}}_i とすると、 {\boldsymbol{x}}_i は、回転行列  R、変形の行列  S、平行移動ベクトル  T を使って、以下のように表される。
   {\boldsymbol{x}}_i = RS({\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0 - {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm}^0) + {\boldsymbol{T}}
 (  {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm}^0:初期状態の剛体の重心座標 )
最終的に移動する位置  {\boldsymbol{g}}_i (目標位置、goal position)は、剛体の元の形状を保つように移動させるため、回転行列と平行移動ベクトルを使って表す。
   {\boldsymbol{g}}_i = R({\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0 - {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm}^0) + {\boldsymbol{T}}

  R T は、 {\boldsymbol{x}}_i {\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0 から推定するが、これらは  {\boldsymbol{g}}_i {\boldsymbol{x}}_i の差が最小となるように、つまり以下の式が最小となるように決める。
& E = \sum_{i = 1}^N m_i | R({\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0 - {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm}^0) + {\boldsymbol{T}} - {\boldsymbol{x}}_i |^2  ( m_i:重み、N:剛体の頂点数)

 {\boldsymbol{T}} = \sum_i m_i {\boldsymbol{x}}_i / \sum_i m_i = {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm} ( {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm}:変形後の剛体の重心座標 ) であるので、
E &= \sum_{i = 1}^N m_i | R({\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0 - {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm}^0) + {\boldsymbol{x}_{cm}} - {\boldsymbol{x}}_i |^2 \\
   &= \sum_{i = 1}^N m_i | A{\boldsymbol{q}}_i - {\boldsymbol{p}}_i |^2
ここで、 {\boldsymbol{q}}_i = {\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0 - {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm}^0 {\boldsymbol{p}}_i = {\boldsymbol{x}}_i - {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm}
 A = RS (回転の行列に変形の行列を含めて拡張した行列)である。

 E A の成分  a_{ij} ( k, j = 1 \sim d d:次元) で微分する。
& \frac{\partial E}{\partial a_{kj}}
 = \sum_i m_i \frac{\partial}{\partial a_{kj}} | A{\boldsymbol{q}}_i - {\boldsymbol{p}}_i |^2
 = \sum_i m_i \frac{\partial}{\partial a_{kj}} | \boldsymbol{S}_i |^2 \ \ ({\boldsymbol{S}}_i
 = (A{\boldsymbol{q}}_i - {\boldsymbol{p}}_i) ) \\
& \frac{\partial}{\partial a_{kj}}| \boldsymbol{S} |^2
 = \frac{\partial}{\partial a_{kj}} \sum_{r = 1}^d  S_r^2
 = 2 \sum_{r = 1}^d S_r
\frac{\partial S_r}{\partial a_{kj}}

\frac{\partial S_r}{\partial a_{kj}}
 &= \frac{\partial}{\partial a_{kj}} (A{\boldsymbol{q}} - {\boldsymbol{p}})_r 
= \frac{\partial}{\partial a_{kj}} \left( (A{\boldsymbol{q}})_r - p_r \right)
= \frac{\partial}{\partial a_{kj}} \left( \sum_{l = 1}^d  a_{rl} q_l - p_r \right)\\
&= \frac{\partial}{\partial a_{kj}} \left( \sum_{l = 1}^d  a_{rl} q_l - p_r \right)
 = \sum_{l = 1}^d  \delta_{k,r} \ \delta_{j,l} \ q_l
 = q_j \delta_{k,r}

\frac{\partial E}{\partial a_{kj}}
& = \sum_i m_i \frac{\partial}{\partial a_{kj}}| \boldsymbol{S}_i |^2
= \sum_i 2 m_i \sum_{r = 1}^d (\boldsymbol{S}_i)_r \ (\boldsymbol{q}_i)_j 
\ \delta_{k,r} \\
& = \sum_i 2 m_i \ (\boldsymbol{S}_i)_k \ (\boldsymbol{q}_i)_j = \sum_i 2 m_i \left( \boldsymbol{S}_i  \boldsymbol{q}_i^{\rm{T}} \right)_{kj} \\
& = \sum_i 2 m_i \left(
(A{\boldsymbol{q}}_i - {\boldsymbol{p}}_i) \ \boldsymbol{q}_i^{\rm{T}} \right)_{kj}

 \partial E / \partial a_{kj} = 0 より
& \sum_{i = 1}^N m_i \ 
(A{\boldsymbol{q}}_i - {\boldsymbol{p}}_i) \ \boldsymbol{q}_i^{\rm{T}} = 0 \\
& A = \left( \sum_{i = 1}^N m_i 
{\boldsymbol{p}}_i \boldsymbol{q}_i^{\rm{T}} \right)
\left( \sum_{i = 1}^N m_i 
{\boldsymbol{q}}_i \boldsymbol{q}_i^{\rm{T}} \right)^{-1}
 = A_{pq} A_{qq}^{-1} \\

& A_{qq}^{-1}:対称行列で、スケーリング(拡大縮小)だけを含む部分 \\
& A_{pq}:変形 S と回転 R を含む部分(変形勾配テンソル)

 R は、 A_{pq} = RS の右極分解から得ることができる。( 極分解については下参照)
   R = A_{pq} S^{-1} , \ \ \ S = \left( A_{pq}^{\rm{T}} A_{pq} \right)^{1/2}
これから、剛体の移動後の目標位置  {\boldsymbol{g}}_i が求められる。

  A:正方行列、 Q:直交行列、 L M:対称行列 として、
  右極分解  A = QL
  左極分解  A = MQ

 L M は対称行列 なので、
   L^{\rm{T}} = L , \ \ M^{\rm{T}} = M
 Q は直交行列なので、
   Q^{\rm{T}} Q = Q Q^{\rm{T}} = I ( I単位行列
である。これより、右極分解の場合、 L Q が次のように求まる。
   A^{\rm{T}} A = (L^{\rm{T}}Q^{\rm{T}})QL
 = L^{\rm{T}}Q^{\rm{T}}QL
 = L^{\rm{T}}L = L^2
   L = (A^{\rm{T}}A)^{1/2}
   Q = AL^{-1}

  The Square Roots of 2 x 2 Matrices
   ( 参照
  X A は2次正方行列であるとする。 X = A^{1/2} \ (X^2 = A) であるとき、 X A にケーリー・ハミルトンの定理を用いると、 X は次にように求まる。
   X = \frac{A + \sqrt{\rm{det}A} \ I}{\sqrt{\rm{tr}A + 2\sqrt{\rm{det}A}}}

 行列  A = \begin{pmatrix}
   a & b \\
   c & d
\end{pmatrix}固有値 \lambda_1 , \lambda_2 = \frac{1}{2} \left((a + d) \mp \sqrt{(a+d)^2 - 4(ad - bc)} \right)固有ベクトル \boldsymbol{x}_1 = \begin{pmatrix}
   b \\
   \lambda_1 - a
\end{pmatrix} \boldsymbol{x}_2 = \begin{pmatrix}
   b \\
   \lambda_2 - a
\end{pmatrix} とすると、対角化行列  P とその逆行列  P^{-1} は、次のようになる。
   P = \begin{pmatrix}
   b & b \\
   \lambda_1 - a & \lambda_2 - a
   P^{-1} = \frac{1}{|P|} \begin{pmatrix}
   \lambda_2 - a & -b \\
   -(\lambda_1 - a) & b
\end{pmatrix} 、  |P| = b(\lambda_2 - \lambda_2)
対角行列  \Lambda = P^{-1} A P は、
   \Lambda = \begin{pmatrix}
   \lambda_1 & 0 \\
   0         & \lambda_2
   \Lambda^{1/2} = \begin{pmatrix}
   \lambda_1^{1/2} & 0 \\
   0         & \lambda_2^{1/2}
 これより、行列  A平方根の行列  X は、
   X = P \Lambda^{1/2} P^{-1}
= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\lambda_1} + \sqrt{\lambda_2}} \begin{pmatrix}
   a + \sqrt{\lambda_1 \lambda_2} & b \\
   c & d + \sqrt{\lambda_1 \lambda_2}
 \lambda_1 \lambda_2 = {\rm{det}}A = ad - bc \lambda_1 + \lambda_2 = {\rm{tr}}A = a + d に注意して式を変形すると、1)の  X と同じ式が得られる。
mat2.js ライブラリーでの行列の平方根 (mat2sqrt) の計算は、この式を用いている。

1 時間積分
(WorldShapeMatching.js class World, step メソッド)
 1) 重力による速度の更新と位置、回転角の更新
  2) 壁との衝突後に移動させる剛体の頂点座標(goal position, 目標位置)の計算
   (class World, projectWalls メソッド
     + BodyShapeMatching.js class Body, shapeMatch メソッド )
  3) 剛体同士の衝突後に移動させる剛体の頂点座標(goal position)の計算
   (class World, projectCollision メソッド
     + class Body, shapeMatch メソッド )
  4) 剛体の回転角と位置の更新
   (class Body, updateFromShape メソッド )
   2), 3) で得られた頂点座標から、剛体全体の回転角と位置を更新する。
   (shapeMatchAttenuation の部分)
  5) 剛体の速度と角速度の更新

2 壁との衝突
 (class World, projectWalls メソッド + class Body, shapeMatch メソッド )
  vertex で衝突する場合

  edge で衝突する場合

 剛体が壁と衝突した状態(上図変形の左側の図)を初期状態とし、その時の頂点座標を とする。変形後の状態(上図変形の右側の図)の頂点座標 を図のように、めり込んだ頂点を壁の表面まで押し返したようにとる。
 プログラムでは、 {\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0 {\boldsymbol{x}}_i を、それぞれ body.worldShape 、body.collisionShape としている。 {\boldsymbol{x}}_i を計算しているのが、world.projectWalls(body) メソッドである。
これらの値から、実際に移動させる剛体の回転行列  R と平行移動行列  T (平行移動ベクトルを行列にしている)を計算し、頂点座標  {\boldsymbol{g}}_i を求める。この部分が body.shapeMatch() メソッドである。
body.shapeMatch() メソッド
  M = shapeMatch(this.worldShape, this.collisionShape)
   ->  {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm}^0 {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm} の平行移動も含めた行列として  R T を計算し、
     M = RT としている。
  this.collisionShape = MT.mulVectors(this.worldShape, 1)
   ->  {\boldsymbol{g}}_i = M{\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0 ( MT = M ) を計算し、 {\boldsymbol{g}}_i を新たに body.collisionShape
    としている。 {\boldsymbol{g}}_i = R({\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0 - {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm}^0) + {\boldsymbol{x}}_{cm} の計算をしている。

3 剛体同士の衝突
(class World, projectCollision メソッド + class Body, shapeMatch メソッド )
  vertex と edge で衝突

  edge と edge で衝突

 衝突判定には、前回と同様に、sap法と gjk-epa法を用いている。
剛体同士が衝突した状態を初期状態とし、その時の頂点座標が  {\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0 である。変形後の状態の頂点座標  {\boldsymbol{x}}_i は、gjk-epa から得られる貫通の深さの半分を、衝突している頂点を衝突の法線方向に押し戻したようにとる。
 壁との衝突と同様に、この  {\boldsymbol{x}}_i^0 {\boldsymbol{x}}_i から、回転行列  R と平行移動行列  T を計算し、移動する頂点座標  {\boldsymbol{g}}_i を求める。


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>BJS Physical Animation ( ShapeMatching )</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="430" style="border: 1px solid gray;"></canvas>

function init() {
    const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
    const engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas);
    var width  = canvas.width;
    var height = canvas.height;

    var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
    scene.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("camera1",
        3 * Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 25, new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 8, 0), scene);
    camera.attachControl(canvas, true);

    var light1 = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light1", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);
    light1.intensity = 0.8;
    var light2 = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light2", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -1, 0), scene);
    light2.intensity = 0.5;

    require(['./WorldShapeMatching', './BodyShapeMatching', './math'], function(World, Body, math) {
        let walls = [];
        let wall_angle1 = -0.3;
        let wall_angle2 =  0.5;
        walls.push(new Wall(new math.Vector2( 0, 0),
            new math.Vector2(-Math.sin(wall_angle1), Math.cos(wall_angle1))));
        walls.push(new Wall(new math.Vector2( 0, 0),
            new math.Vector2(-Math.sin(wall_angle2), Math.cos(wall_angle2))));

        let bodies = [];

        // body 0
            new Body(
                createPolygonPoints(new math.Vector2(0, 0), 2, 4),
                new math.Vector2(7, 14), // world position(pos)
                Math.PI / 4, // angle
                1 // mass
        bodies[0].vel = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
        bodies[0].angVel = 0.0;

        // body 1
            new Body(
                createPolygonPoints(new math.Vector2(0, 0), 1, 4),
                new math.Vector2(-12, 14),
        bodies[1].vel = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
        bodies[1].angVel = 0.0;

        // body 2
            new Body(
                createPolygonPoints(new math.Vector2(0, 0), 1.5, 4),
                new math.Vector2(-8, 14),
        bodies[2].vel = new math.Vector2(2, 0);
        bodies[2].angVel = 0.0;
        console.log("bodies", Array.from(bodies));

        var d, p1, p2;
        for (let i = 0; i < walls.length; i++) {
            d = new math.Vector2(400 * walls[i].normal.y, -400 * walls[i].normal.x);
            p1 = walls[i].position.addV(d);
            p2 = walls[i].position.subV(d);
            let wallpath = [
                new BABYLON.Vector3(p1.x, p1.y, 0),
                new BABYLON.Vector3(p2.x, p2.y, 0)
            let wallLines = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateLines("lines" + i, wallpath, scene);
            wallLines.color = BABYLON.Color3.Black();

        var i, j;
        var objects, object;

        var colors = [

        var objectMesh = [];
        objects = bodies;

        for (j = 0; j < objects.length; ++j) {
            object = objects[j];

            var worldVertices = object.worldShape;
            console.log("object index", j, worldVertices);

            const abodyMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("abodyMat" + j, scene);
            abodyMat.diffuseColor = colors[j];

            var points = [];
            for (i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; ++i) {
                const apoint = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateSphere("apoint" + i,
                    {diameter: 0.3, segments: 8}, scene);
                apoint.position.x = worldVertices[i].x;
                apoint.position.y = worldVertices[i].y;
                apoint.position.z = 0;
                apoint.material = abodyMat;

            var path = [];
            for (i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; i++)
                    new BABYLON.Vector3(worldVertices[i].x, worldVertices[i].y, 0)
            path.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(worldVertices[0].x, worldVertices[0].y, 0));
            const options = {points: path, updatable: true};
            var aLine = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLines("aLine" + j, options, scene);
            aLine.color = colors[j];

            objectMesh.push({points: points, line: aLine});

        function update_mesh() {
            var i, j

            for (j = 0; j < objects.length; j++) {
                var object = objects[j];

                var worldVertices = object.worldShape;

                //// points
                var apoint = objectMesh[j].points;
                for (i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; ++i) {
                    apoint[i].position.x = worldVertices[i].x;
                    apoint[i].position.y = worldVertices[i].y;
                    apoint[i].position.z = 0.0;
                //// line
                var aline = objectMesh[j].line;
                var path = [];
                for (i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; i++)
                        new BABYLON.Vector3(worldVertices[i].x, worldVertices[i].y, 0)
                path.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(worldVertices[0].x, worldVertices[0].y, 0));

                var options = {points: path, instance: aline};
                aline = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLines("aline", options);
        let world = new World();
        world.walls = walls;
        world.bodies = bodies;

        scene.registerBeforeRender(function () {

        function createPolygonPoints(center = new math.Vector2(0, 0), radius = 1, nsides=3) {
            let poly = [];

            let delta = Math.PI * 2 / nsides;
            for (let i = 0; i < nsides; i++) {
                    new math.Vector2(center.x+radius*Math.cos(delta*i),

            // inertia
            let [a, b] = [(1 + Math.cos(delta)) / 2, (1 - Math.cos(delta)) / 2];
            let inertia = radius * radius / 6 * ( 3*(a**3 + b**3) + 9*a*b - 2*b );

            return {shape:poly, inertia:inertia};

        function Wall(position, normal) {
            this.position = position;
            this.normal = normal;
            this.dist = function(position) {

    engine.runRenderLoop(() => {



define(['./math', './gjk_epa'], function(math, Gjk) {
function centerOfMass(pts) {
    let sum = pts.reduce((a,b) => new math.Vector2(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y));
    return new math.Vector2(sum.x/pts.length, sum.y/pts.length);

function supportEdge(pts, v) {
    let maxdot = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    let maxdot2 = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    let best, best2;
    for (let p of pts) {
        let dot =;
        if (dot > maxdot) {
            [maxdot2, best2] = [maxdot, best];
            [maxdot, best] = [dot, p];
        } else if (dot > maxdot2) {
            [maxdot2, best2] = [dot, p];
    if (Math.abs(maxdot - maxdot2) < 0.01) return [best2, best];
    return [best];

function closestSegmentPoint(p, q, r) {
    let qr = r.subV(q);
    let s = qr.getLength();
    if (s < 0.00001) return q; // Degenerate line segment
    let v = qr.normalized();
    let u = p.subV(q);
    let d =;
    if (d < 0) return q;
    if (d > s) return r;
    return lerp(q, r, d/s);

function lerp(a, b, t) {
    var ax = a.x,
        ay = a.y;
    out_x = ax + t * (b.x - ax);
    out_y = ay + t * (b.y - ay);
    return new math.Vector2(out_x, out_y);

function sap(polygons, v) {
    let n = polygons.length;
    let pairs = [];
    let proj = [];
    polygons.forEach((poly, i) => {
        let min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        let max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        for (let p of poly) {
            let dot =;
            min = Math.min(min, dot);
            max = Math.max(max, dot);
        proj.push([min, i], [max, i]);
    proj.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);

    let inside = new Set();
    for (let [_, i] of proj) {
        if (inside.has(i)) {
        } else {
            pairs[i] = [];
            for (let j of inside) {
                if (i < j) pairs[j].push(i);
                else pairs[i].push(j);
    return pairs;

const g = 9.8;
const dt = 0.02;

const wall_restitution = 0.9;
const wall_friction = 0.02;

class World {
    constructor() {
        this.nIterations = 4;

        this.bodies = [];
        this.walls = [];

    step() {
        //// Apply external force
        this.bodies.forEach(body => {
            body.vel = body.vel.addV(new math.Vector2(0, -g * dt));

            body.pos = body.oldPos.addV(body.vel.mulS(dt));
            body.ang = body.oldAng + body.angVel * dt;

        //// collisions
        for (let irelax = 0; irelax < this.nIterations; irelax++) {
            //// walls
            this.bodies.forEach(body =>

            this.bodies.forEach(body => body.shapeMatch());

            //// bodies
            let pairs = sap( => body.worldShape), new math.Vector2(1, 0));

            this.bodies.forEach((body, i) => {
                pairs[i].forEach(j => this.projectCollision(body, this.bodies[j]), irelax);
            this.bodies.forEach(body => body.shapeMatch());
        } // for irelax

        this.bodies.forEach(body => {
            if (body.collisionShape) body.updateFromShape(body.collisionShape);

        this.bodies.forEach(body => {
            body.vel = body.pos.subV(body.oldPos).divS(dt);
            body.oldPos = body.pos;

            body.angVel = (body.ang - body.oldAng) / dt;
            body.oldAng = body.ang;

    //// projectWalls
    projectWalls(body) {
        let projected = false;
        let poly = body.collisionShape || body.worldShape.slice();

        poly.forEach((p, i) => {
            for (let wall of this.walls) {
                let dist = wall.dist(p);
                if (dist <= 0) {
                    var velocity_normal  = wall.normal.mulS(;
                    var velocity_tangent = body.vel.subV(velocity_normal);
                    velocity_normal  = velocity_normal.mulS(-wall_restitution);
                    velocity_tangent = velocity_tangent.mulS(-wall_friction);
                    p = p.addV(velocity_normal.addV(velocity_tangent).mulS(dt));
                    dist = wall.dist(p);
                    if (dist < 0)
                        p = p.addV(wall.normal.mulS(-dist));
                    projected = true;
                poly[i] = p;
        if (projected) body.collisionShape = poly;

    //// projectCollision
    projectCollision(bodyA, bodyB, gravityBias = 0) {
      let a = bodyA.collisionShape || bodyA.worldShape.slice();
      let b = bodyB.collisionShape || bodyB.worldShape.slice();
      let hit = Gjk.gjk(a, b);

      if (hit) {
          let { p, q, n } = Gjk.epa(a, b, ...hit);
          let aPoints = supportEdge(a, n);
          let bPoints = supportEdge(b, n.mulS(-1));
          let [massA, massB] = [bodyA.mass, bodyB.mass];
          if (gravityBias) {
            if (bodyA.pos.y > bodyB.pos.y) massA += massB * gravityBias;
            else massB += massA * gravityBias;
          let aContact, bContact, penetration;
          let aContactDisplaced1, aContactDisplaced2, bContactDisplaced1, bContactDisplaced2;
          if (aPoints.length + bPoints.length == 4) {
              //// Edge-edge collision
              let center = centerOfMass([...aPoints, ...bPoints]);
              aContact = closestSegmentPoint(center, ...aPoints);
              bContact = closestSegmentPoint(center, ...bPoints);
              penetration = aContact.subV(bContact).getLength();

              aContactDisplaced1 =
                  n.mulS((-penetration * massA) / (massA + massB))
              aContactDisplaced2 =
                  n.mulS((-penetration * massA) / (massA + massB))

              bContactDisplaced1 = 
                  n.mulS((penetration * massB) / (massA + massB))
              bContactDisplaced2 = 
                  n.mulS((penetration * massB) / (massA + massB))

              a.splice(a.lastIndexOf(aPoints[0]), 1, aContactDisplaced1);
              a.splice(a.lastIndexOf(aPoints[1]), 1, aContactDisplaced2);

              b.splice(b.lastIndexOf(bPoints[0]), 1, bContactDisplaced1);
              b.splice(b.lastIndexOf(bPoints[1]), 1, bContactDisplaced2);
          } else {
              //// Vertex-edge collision
              if (aPoints.length + bPoints.length != 3) {
                  throw "Weird collision";
              if (aPoints.length == 2) {
                  aContact = closestSegmentPoint(bPoints[0], ...aPoints);
                  penetration = aContact.subV(bPoints[0]).getLength();

                  aContactDisplaced1 =
                      n.mulS((-penetration * massA) / (massA + massB))
                  aContactDisplaced2 =
                      n.mulS((-penetration * massA) / (massA + massB))

                  a.splice(a.lastIndexOf(aPoints[0]), 1, aContactDisplaced1);
                  a.splice(a.lastIndexOf(aPoints[1]), 1, aContactDisplaced2);

                  bContactDisplaced1 = 
                      n.mulS((penetration * massB) / (massA + massB))
                  b.splice(b.lastIndexOf(bPoints[0]), 1, bContactDisplaced1);
              } else {
                  //// bPoints.length == 2!
                  bContact = closestSegmentPoint(aPoints[0], ...bPoints);
                  penetration = aPoints[0].subV(bContact).getLength();

                  bContactDisplaced1 = 
                          n.mulS((penetration * massB) / (massA + massB))
                  bContactDisplaced2 = 
                          n.mulS((penetration * massB) / (massA + massB))

                  b.splice(b.lastIndexOf(bPoints[0]), 1, bContactDisplaced1);
                  b.splice(b.lastIndexOf(bPoints[1]), 1, bContactDisplaced2);

                  aContactDisplaced1 =
                        n.mulS((-penetration * massA) / (massA + massB))
                  a.splice(a.lastIndexOf(aPoints[0]), 1, aContactDisplaced1);
          bodyA.collisionShape = a;
          bodyB.collisionShape = b;

return World;


define(['./math', './mat2'], function(math, mat2) {
function centerOfMass(pts) {
    let sum = pts.reduce((a,b) => new math.Vector2(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y));
    return new math.Vector2(sum.x/pts.length, sum.y/pts.length);

function lerp(a, b, t) {
    var ax = a.x,
        ay = a.y;
    out_x = ax + t * (b.x - ax);
    out_y = ay + t * (b.y - ay);
    return new math.Vector2(out_x, out_y);

function shapeMatch(srcPoints, dstPoints) {
    //// srcPoints
    let srcCenter = centerOfMass(srcPoints);
    let srcVectors = => p.subV(srcCenter));
    //// dstPoints
    let dstCenter = centerOfMass(dstPoints);
    let dstVectors = (p => p.subV(dstCenter));
    //// Compute rotation and compose with the two translations
    let [[a,b],[c,d]] = shapeMatchRotation(srcVectors,dstVectors);
    let rot = new math.Matrix3();
    rot = rot.fromValues(a, b, 0, c, d, 0, dstCenter.x, dstCenter.y, 1);

    let trans = new math.Matrix3();
    trans = trans.fromValues(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -srcCenter.x, -srcCenter.y, 1);
    let transformMatrix = trans.mulMatrix(rot);

    return transformMatrix;

function shapeMatchRotation(srcVectors, dstVectors) {
    //// srcVectors, dstVectors: convert element Vector2 -> element Array
    let srcVectors2 = => [p.x, p.y]);
    let dstVectors2 = => [p.x, p.y]);

    //// function that computes p x q^T
    let pqT = (p,q) => [[p[0]*q[0],p[0]*q[1]],
    let Apq =,i) => pqT(p,dstVectors2[i])).reduce(mat2.mat2sum)

    let ApqTxApq = mat2.mat2mul(mat2.mat2transpose(Apq),Apq);
    let S = mat2.mat2sqrt(ApqTxApq)
    let Sinv = mat2.mat2inv(S);

    return mat2.mat2mul(Apq,Sinv)

const shapeMatchAttenuation = 0.98;

class Body {
    constructor(shape, pos = new Vector2(0, 0), ang = 0, mass = 1) {
        console.log("ceate Bodies", shape);

        this.mass = mass;
        this.pos = this.oldPos = pos;
        this.ang = this.oldAng = ang;

        this.vel = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
        this.angVel = 0;

        let center = centerOfMass(shape.shape);
        this.shape = => new math.Vector2(p.x - center.x, p.y - center.y));
        this.collisionShape = null; // Non-null if collision was detected
    //// Returns the shape points in world space
    get worldShape() {
        let [c, s] = [Math.cos(this.ang), Math.sin(this.ang)];
        let transf = new math.Matrix3();
        transf = transf.fromValues(c, -s, this.pos.x, s, c, this.pos.y, 0, 0, 0);
        this.curWorldShape = transf.mulVectors(this.shape, 1);

        return this.curWorldShape;
    //// ShapeMatching
    shapeMatch() {
      if (this.collisionShape) {
        let M = shapeMatch(this.worldShape, this.collisionShape);

        let MT = new math.Matrix3();
        MT = MT.fromValues(
            M.m00, M.m10, M.m20,
            M.m01, M.m11, M.m21,
            M.m02, M.m12, M.m22
        this.collisionShape = MT.mulVectors(this.worldShape, 1);
    //// Updates rotation and position
    updateFromShape(shape) {
        let center = centerOfMass(shape);
        //// Rotation component
        let rot = shapeMatchRotation(
   => p.subV(this.pos)),
   => p.subV(center))

        if (!Number.isNaN(rot[0][0])) {
            //// Avoid degenerate projections
            let dang = Math.atan2(rot[0][1], rot[0][0]);
            this.ang += dang * shapeMatchAttenuation;
        //// Translation component
        this.pos = lerp(this.pos, center, shapeMatchAttenuation);
        //// new worldShape
        this.curWorldShape = shape;
        this.collisionShape = null;

return Body;


// 2x2 matrix utilities
define( function() {
return {
    mat2mul: function(a,b) {
        let prod = (i,j) => a[i][0]*b[0][j]+a[i][1]*b[1][j];
        return [[prod(0,0),prod(0,1)],
    mat2sum: function(m1,m2) {
        return [[m1[0][0]+m2[0][0],m1[0][1]+m2[0][1]],
    mat2transpose: function(m) {
        return [[m[0][0],m[1][0]],
    mat2det: function([[a,b],[c,d]]) {
        return a*d-b*c
    mat2sqrt: function([[a,b],[c,d]]) {
        let s = Math.sqrt(a*d-b*c);
        let t = Math.sqrt(a+d+2*s);
        return [[(a+s)/t,b/t],[c/t,(d+s)/t]]
    mat2inv: function([[a,b],[c,d]]) {
        let det = a*d-b*c;
        return [[d/det,-c/det],[-b/det,a/det]]


gjk-epa.js、math.js は「剛体の衝突 1」に掲載してある。

物理シミュレーション 剛体の衝突 3 PositionBased ( Constraint )

PositionBased(Constraint) による、剛体の衝突シミュレーションです。

[ 実行結果]

メッシュの描画には、 BabylonJS を使用しています。

Position Based Dynamics

Modeling and Solving Constraints

物理エンジンの作り方 その2

Inequality Constraints

2D Rigid Body Physics Engine
(実際に参照したのは、古いバージョン:(2021/11/06 ダウンロード)
の game.js。新バージョンの contact.js に相当。)

1 時間積分
(WorldConstraint.js class World, step メソッド)
 1) 重力による速度の更新
  2) 壁との衝突による速度と角速度の更新
   (projectWalls メソッド)
  3) 剛体同士の衝突による速度と角速度の更新
   (projectCollision メソッド)
  4) 位置と角度の更新

2 壁との衝突
(WorldConstraint.js class World, projectWalls メソッド)
 剛体と壁との衝突点は、前回の ForceBased の場合と同様にして、知ることが
 衝突前後の速度と角速度を、それぞれ  {\bf{v}}_1 {\boldsymbol{\omega}}_1 {\bf{v}}_2 {\boldsymbol{\omega}}_2 とすると、
  衝突前: {\bf{v}}_{p1} = {\bf{v}}_1 + {\boldsymbol{\omega}}_1 \times {\bf{R}}_g
  衝突後: {\bf{v}}_{p2} = {\bf{v}}_2 + \boldsymbol{\omega}_2 \times {\bf{R}}_g

   \dot{C} = W = \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot {\bf{v}}_{p2} \ge 0 (  \hat{\bf{n}} は衝突面の法線方向の単位ベクトル )
一般化速度  \bf{u} = (\bf{v}, \boldsymbol{\omega})^{\rm{T}} ベクトル(T:転置)を用いると、拘束の式は次のようになる。
   W = \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot {\bf{v}}_{p2}
 = \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot ( {\bf{v}}_{2} + {\boldsymbol{\omega}}_2 \times {\bf{R}}_g )
 = \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot {\bf{v}}_{2} + ({\bf{R}}_g \times \hat{\bf{n}}) \cdot {\boldsymbol{\omega}}_2
 = {\bf{J}} {\bf{u}}_2
   {\bf{J}} = ( \hat{\bf{n}}, {\bf{R}}_g \times \hat{\bf{n}} )

拘束の式に、反発の効果を bias として取り入れる。
反発係数(restitution)を  e とすると
   \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot {\bf{v}}_{p2}
 \ge - e \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot {\bf{v}}_{p1}
   W = {\bf{J}} {\bf{u}}_2 + b \ge 0 ,  b = e \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot {\bf{v}}_{p1}

拘束力  {\bf{F}}_c は、運動量の変化で表される。
   {\bf{M}} ( {\bf{u}}_{2} - {\bf{u}}_{1} ) = {\bf{F}}_c \ dt
 {\bf{M}} は質量マトリックスで、 {\bf{M}} = (m{\bf{E}, {\bf{I}}})^{\rm{T}} \bf{E}:単位マトリックス
 \bf{I}:慣性モーメントマトリックス)である。  dt は力の作用時間である。
拘束力の方向は  {\bf{J}}^{\rm{T}} となるので、大きさを  \lambda(未定乗数)として、
    {\bf{J}}{\bf{u}}_{2} = {\bf{J}}{\bf{u}}_{1} + {\bf{J}}{\bf{M}}^{-1} \ {\bf{F}}_c \ dt
= {\bf{J}}{\bf{u}}_{1} + {\bf{J}}{\bf{M}}^{-1}  {\bf{J}}^{\rm{T}} \lambda dt  ( {\bf{F}}_c = {\bf{J}}^{\rm{T}} \lambda )
 dt \lambda の中に含めると、次のようになる。
= {\bf{J}}{\bf{u}}_{1} + {\bf{J}}{\bf{M}}^{-1}  {\bf{J}}^{\rm{T}} \lambda
新たな  \lambda はインパルスに相当する。

   W = {\bf{J}}{\bf{M}}^{-1} {\bf{J}}^{\rm{T}} \lambda + {\bf{J}}{\bf{u}}_{1} + b \ge 0
この式から  \lambda を求める。
    \lambda = - m_C ({\bf{J}}{\bf{u}}_{1} + b) ,  m_C = \frac{1}{{\bf{J}}{\bf{M}}^{-1}{\bf{J}}^{\rm{T}}}
   {\bf{u}}_{2} = {\bf{u}}_{1} + {\bf{M}}^{-1} {\bf{J}}^{\rm{T}} \lambda
   {\bf{u}}_{2} \rightarrow {\bf{u}}_{1}
このとき、繰返し毎にインパルス( \lambda)を加算し、それがゼロとなるようにクランプ(clamp)する。
これで、 \lambda \rightarrow 0 (拘束力が作用しない) 、 W_n = \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot {\bf{v}}_{p2} \ge 0 (剛体が壁から離れた状態)となり、拘束が解けたことになる。

   b_{1} = \beta (d - d_{slop}) \ / dt \ \ \ (d \ge d_{slop}) \ ,
      0 \ \ (d < d_{slop} )
   d:貫通の長さ、 d_{slop}:貫通に対するslop(遊び)で適当に設定、
   b_2 = e ({v}_n - v_{slop}) \ \ (v_n \ge v_{slop})\ ,
      0 \ \ (v_n < v_{slop})
   v_n = \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot {\bf{v}}_{p1}
bias項  b b = b_1 + b_2 にする。

   \dot{C} = W_t = \hat{\bf{t}} \cdot {\bf{v}}_{p2} = 0 (  \hat{\bf{t}} は衝突面の接線方向の単位ベクトル )
一般化速度  \bf{u} = (\bf{v}, \boldsymbol{\omega})^{\rm{T}} を用いると、拘束の式は次のようになる。
   W_t = {\bf{J}}_t {\bf{u}}_2 ,  {\bf{J}}_t = ( \hat{\bf{t}}, {\bf{R}}_g \times \hat{\bf{t}} )

   |F_t| \le \mu F_{cn}
   F_{cn}:衝突面での垂直抗力  \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot {\bf{F}}_{c}
   |\lambda_t| \le \mu \lambda_n

   W_t = {\bf{J}}_t {\bf{u}}_{2}
= {\bf{J}}_t {\bf{u}}_{1} + {\bf{J}}_t {\bf{M}}^{-1}  {\bf{J}}_t^{\rm{T}} \lambda_t
= {\bf{J}}_t {\bf{u}}_{1} + m_t^{-1} \lambda_t = 0
   m_t = \frac{1}{{\bf{J}}_t {\bf{M}}^{-1} {\bf{J}}_t^{\rm{T}}}

この式とインパルスの式から  \lambda_t を求める。
= - m_t {\bf{J}}{\bf{u}}_{1}
   {\bf{u}}_{2} = {\bf{u}}_{1} + {\bf{M}}^{-1} {\bf{J}}_t^{\rm{T}} \lambda_t
   {\bf{u}}_{2} \rightarrow {\bf{u}}_{1}
このとき、繰返し毎にインパルス( \lambda_t)を加算し、それが  -\mu \lambda_n + \mu \lambda_nの間の値に

繰返しの最後に得られた速度  {\bf{u}}_{2} が、拘束によって更新された速度となる。

3 剛体同士の衝突
(WorldConstraint.js class World, projectCollision メソッド)

 衝突判定には、ForceBased と同様な方法、sap法(sap() 関数)と gjk-epa 法(gjk-epa.js)を用いている。
 gjk-epa から、貫通の深さ、衝突の方向(衝突面の法線方向)、衝突点の座標等の情報が得られる。

 衝突前後の剛体A、Bの速度と角速度を、それぞれ  {\bf{v}}_{A1} {\boldsymbol{\omega}}_{A1} {\bf{v}}_{A2} {\boldsymbol{\omega}}_{A2} {\bf{v}}_{B1} {\boldsymbol{\omega}}_{B1} {\bf{v}}_{B2} {\boldsymbol{\omega}}_{B2} とすると、
  衝突前: {\bf{v}}_{Ap1} = {\bf{v}}_{A1} + {\boldsymbol{\omega}}_{A1} \times {\bf{R}}_A
  衝突後: {\bf{v}}_{Ap2} = {\bf{v}}_{A2} + \boldsymbol{\omega}_{A2} \times {\bf{R}}_A
  衝突前: {\bf{v}}_{Bp1} = {\bf{v}}_{B1} + {\boldsymbol{\omega}}_{B1} \times {\bf{R}}_B
  衝突後: {\bf{v}}_{Bp2} = {\bf{v}}_{B2} + \boldsymbol{\omega}_{B2} \times {\bf{R}}_B
   {\bf{R}}_A {\bf{R}}_B:剛体A、Bの重心から衝突点へのベクトル

    \dot{C} = W = \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot ({\bf{v}}_{Bp2} - {\bf{v}}_{Ap2}) \ge 0 (  \hat{\bf{n}} は衝突面の法線方向の単位ベクトル )
一般化速度  {\bf{u}} = ({\bf{v}}_{A}, \boldsymbol{\omega}_A, {\bf{v}}_{B}, \boldsymbol{\omega}_B)^{\rm{T}} ベクトルを用いると、拘束の式は次のようになる。
   W = \hat{\bf{n}} \cdot ({\bf{v}}_{Bp2} - {\bf{v}}_{Ap2}) = {\bf{J}} {\bf{u}}_2
   {\bf{J}} = ( -\hat{\bf{n}}, -{\bf{R}}_A \times \hat{\bf{n}}, \ \hat{\bf{n}}, {\bf{R}}_B \times \hat{\bf{n}})
   {\bf{u}}_2 = ({\bf{v}}_{A2}, \boldsymbol{\omega}_{A2}, {\bf{v}}_{B2}, \boldsymbol{\omega}_{B2})^{\rm{T}}

 拘束力をインパルス(  {\bf{J}}^{\rm{T}} \lambda )として取り入れると、拘束の式は次のようになる。
= {\bf{J}}{\bf{M}}^{-1} {\bf{J}}^{\rm{T}} \lambda + {\bf{J}}{\bf{u}}_{1} + b \ge 0
   {\bf{M}}:質量  m_A m_B、慣性モーメント  I_A  I_Bの質量マトリックス
   {\bf{u}}_1 = ({\bf{v}}_{A1}, \boldsymbol{\omega}_{A1}, {\bf{v}}_{B1}, \boldsymbol{\omega}_{B1})^{\rm{T}}

   W_t = {\bf{J}}_t {\bf{u}}_{2}
= {\bf{J}}_t {\bf{u}}_{1} + {\bf{J}}_t {\bf{M}}^{-1}  {\bf{J}}_t^{\rm{T}} \lambda_t = 0
   {\bf{J}}_t = ( -\hat{\bf{t}}, -{\bf{R}}_A \times \hat{\bf{t}}, \ \hat{\bf{t}}, {\bf{R}}_B \times \hat{\bf{t}}) (  \hat{\bf{t}} は衝突面の接線方向の単位ベクトル )
   |\lambda_t| \le \mu \lambda_n \mu:摩擦係数)



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<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="430" style="border: 1px solid gray;"></canvas>

function init() {
    const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
    const engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas);
    var width  = canvas.width;
    var height = canvas.height;

    var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
    scene.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("camera1",
        3 * Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 25, new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 8, 0), scene);
    camera.attachControl(canvas, true);

    var light1 = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light1", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);
    light1.intensity = 0.8;
    var light2 = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light2", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -1, 0), scene);
    light2.intensity = 0.5;

    require(['./WorldConstraint', './math'], function(World, math) {
        let walls = [];
        let wall_angle1 = -0.3;
        let wall_angle2 =  0.5;
        walls.push(new Wall(new math.Vector2( 0, 0),
            new math.Vector2(-Math.sin(wall_angle1), Math.cos(wall_angle1))));
        walls.push(new Wall(new math.Vector2( 0, 0),
            new math.Vector2(-Math.sin(wall_angle2), Math.cos(wall_angle2))));

        let bodies = [];

        // body 0
            new Body(
                createPolygonPoints(new math.Vector2(0, 0), 2, 4),
                new math.Vector2(7, 14), // world position(pos)
                Math.PI / 4, // angle
                1 // mass
        bodies[0].vel = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
        bodies[0].angVel = 0.0;

        // body 1
            new Body(
                createPolygonPoints(new math.Vector2(0, 0), 1, 4),
                new math.Vector2(-12, 14),
        bodies[1].vel = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
        bodies[1].angVel = 0.0;

        // body 2
            new Body(
                createPolygonPoints(new math.Vector2(0, 0), 1.5, 4),
                new math.Vector2(-8, 14),
        bodies[2].vel = new math.Vector2(2, 0);
        bodies[2].angVel = 0.0;
        console.log("bodies", Array.from(bodies));

        var d, p1, p2;
        for (let i = 0; i < walls.length; i++) {
            d = new math.Vector2(400 * walls[i].normal.y, -400 * walls[i].normal.x);
            p1 = walls[i].position.addV(d);
            p2 = walls[i].position.subV(d);
            let wallpath = [
                new BABYLON.Vector3(p1.x, p1.y, 0),
                new BABYLON.Vector3(p2.x, p2.y, 0)
            let wallLines = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateLines("lines" + i, wallpath, scene);
            wallLines.color = BABYLON.Color3.Black();

        var i, j;
        var objects, object;

        var colors = [

        var objectMesh = [];
        objects = bodies;

        for (j = 0; j < objects.length; ++j) {
            object = objects[j];

            var worldVertices = object.getWorldShape();
            console.log("object index", j, worldVertices);

            const abodyMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("abodyMat" + j, scene);
            abodyMat.diffuseColor = colors[j];

            var points = [];
            for (i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; ++i) {
                const apoint = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateSphere("apoint" + i,
                    {diameter: 0.3, segments: 8}, scene);
                apoint.position.x = worldVertices[i].x;
                apoint.position.y = worldVertices[i].y;
                apoint.position.z = 0;
                apoint.material = abodyMat;

            var path = [];
            for (i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; i++)
                    new BABYLON.Vector3(worldVertices[i].x, worldVertices[i].y, 0)
            path.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(worldVertices[0].x, worldVertices[0].y, 0));
            const options = {points: path, updatable: true};
            var aLine = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLines("aLine" + j, options, scene);
            aLine.color = colors[j];

            objectMesh.push({points: points, line: aLine});

        function update_mesh() {
            var i, j

            for (j = 0; j < objects.length; j++) {
                var object = objects[j];

                var worldVertices = object.getWorldShape();

                //// points
                var apoint = objectMesh[j].points;
                for (i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; ++i) {
                    apoint[i].position.x = worldVertices[i].x;
                    apoint[i].position.y = worldVertices[i].y;
                    apoint[i].position.z = 0.0;
                //// line
                var aline = objectMesh[j].line;
                var path = [];
                for (i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; i++)
                        new BABYLON.Vector3(worldVertices[i].x, worldVertices[i].y, 0)
                path.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(worldVertices[0].x, worldVertices[0].y, 0));

                var options = {points: path, instance: aline};
                aline = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLines("aline", options);
        let world = new World();
        world.walls = walls;
        world.bodies = bodies;

        scene.registerBeforeRender(function () {

        function createPolygonPoints(center = new math.Vector2(0, 0), radius = 1, nsides=3) {
            let poly = [];

            let delta = Math.PI * 2 / nsides;
            for (let i = 0; i < nsides; i++) {
                    new math.Vector2(center.x+radius*Math.cos(delta*i),

            // inertia
            let [a, b] = [(1 + Math.cos(delta)) / 2, (1 - Math.cos(delta)) / 2];
            let inertia = radius * radius / 6 * ( 3*(a**3 + b**3) + 9*a*b - 2*b );

            return {shape:poly, inertia:inertia};

        function Wall(position, normal) {
            //// position, normal: Vector2
            this.position = position;
            this.normal = normal;
            this.dist = function(position) {

        function Body(shape, pos = new Vector2(0, 0), ang = 0, mass = 1) {
            console.log("ceate Bodies", shape);

            this.mass = mass;
            this.invMass = 1 / this.mass;
            this.inertia = this.mass * shape.inertia;
            this.invInertia = 1 / this.inertia;

            this.pos = pos;
            this.ang = ang;
            this.vel  = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
            this.angVel  = 0;
            let center = centerOfMass(shape.shape);
            this.shape = => new math.Vector2(p.x - center.x, p.y - center.y));
            //// Returns the shape points in world space
            this.getWorldShape = function () {
                let [c, s] = [Math.cos(this.ang), Math.sin(this.ang)];
                let transf = new math.Matrix3();
                transf = transf.fromValues(c, -s, this.pos.x, s, c, this.pos.y, 0, 0, 0);
                this.curWorldShape = transf.mulVectors(this.shape, 1);
                return this.curWorldShape;

        function centerOfMass(pts) {
            //// pts: Array, element Vector2
            let sum = pts.reduce((a,b) => new math.Vector2(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y));
            return new math.Vector2(sum.x/pts.length, sum.y/pts.length);

    engine.runRenderLoop(() => {



define(['./math', './gjk_epa'], function(math, Gjk) {
function centerOfMass(pts) {
    let sum = pts.reduce((a,b) => new math.Vector2(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y));
    return new math.Vector2(sum.x/pts.length, sum.y/pts.length);

function supportEdge(pts, v) {
    let maxdot = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    let maxdot2 = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    let best, best2;
    for (let p of pts) {
        let dot =;
        if (dot > maxdot) {
            [maxdot2, best2] = [maxdot, best];
            [maxdot, best] = [dot, p];
        } else if (dot > maxdot2) {
            [maxdot2, best2] = [dot, p];
    if (Math.abs(maxdot - maxdot2) < 0.01) return [best2, best];
    return [best];

function closestSegmentPoint(p, q, r) {
    let qr = r.subV(q);
    let s = qr.getLength();
    if (s < 0.00001) return q;
    //// Degenerate line segment
    //// both endpoints at approximately the same distance
    let v = qr.normalized();
    let u = p.subV(q);
    let d =;
    if (d < 0) return q;
    if (d > s) return r;
    return lerp(q, r, d/s);

function sap(polygons, v) {
    let n = polygons.length;
    let pairs = [];
    let proj = [];
    polygons.forEach((poly, i) => {
        let min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            let max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            for (let p of poly) {
                let dot =;
                min = Math.min(min, dot);
                max = Math.max(max, dot);
            proj.push([min, i], [max, i]);
        proj.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);

        let inside = new Set();
        for (let [_, i] of proj) {
            if (inside.has(i)) {
            } else {
                pairs[i] = [];
                for (let j of inside) {
                    if (i < j) pairs[j].push(i);
                    else pairs[i].push(j);
    return pairs;

function lerp(a, b, t) {
    //// glmatrix vec2 lerp: linear interpolation between two vec2's
    //// a, b: Vector2, t: float (0 - 1)
    var ax = a.x,
        ay = a.y;
    out_x = ax + t * (b.x - ax);
    out_y = ay + t * (b.y - ay);
    return new math.Vector2(out_x, out_y);

const g = 9.8;
const dt = 0.02;

class World {
    constructor() {
        this.nIterations = 4;

        this.bodies = [];
        this.walls = [];
    step() {
        //// Apply external force
        this.bodies.forEach(body => {
            body.vel = body.vel.addV(new math.Vector2(0, -g * dt));

        //// Solve Constraints
        //// Constraint Walls
        //// Constraint Collisions
        //// Update position and angle
        this.bodies.forEach(body => {
            body.pos = body.pos.addV(body.vel.mulS(dt));
            body.ang += body.angVel * dt;

    //// projectWalls (Resolve violated velocity constraint)
    projectWalls() {
        let normalImpulseSum = [];
        let tangentImpulseSum = [];

        let cnt2 = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++) cnt2[i] = [];

        let contact = [];
        let contactIdx = 0;
        this.bodies.forEach((body, j) => {
            this.walls.forEach((wall, k) => {
                let worldVertices = body.getWorldShape().slice();
                let contactPoint = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
                cnt2[j][k] = 0;
                let dist_min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

                for (let i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; i++) {
                    let dist = wall.dist(worldVertices[i]);
                    if (dist < dist_min) dist_min = dist;

                    if (dist <= 0) {
                        contactPoint = contactPoint.addV(worldVertices[i]);

                if (cnt2[j][k] != 0) {
                    contactPoint = contactPoint.divS(cnt2[j][k]);
                    contact.push({contactPoint: contactPoint, dist_min: dist_min});
                    normalImpulseSum[contactIdx] = 0.0;
                    tangentImpulseSum[contactIdx] = 0.0;

        for (let i = 0; i < this.nIterations; i++) {
            let contactIdx = 0;
            this.bodies.forEach((body, j) => {
                this.walls.forEach((wall, k) => {
                    if (cnt2[j][k] != 0) {
                        applyImpulseWall(contactIdx, contact, body, wall);
        function applyImpulseWall(cIdx, contact, body, wall) {
            let contactNormal = wall.normal.inverted();
            let ra = contact[cIdx].contactPoint.subV(body.pos);

            //// Jacobian for non-penetration constraint
            let j_va = contactNormal.inverted();
            let j_wa = -ra.cross(contactNormal);
            let beta = 0.4;
            let restitution = 0.5;

            //// Velocity at contact point
            let vRot = new math.Vector2(
                -body.angVel * ra.y,
                body.angVel * ra.x);
            let vp = body.vel.addV(vRot);
            let vpn =;
            let penetration_slop = 0.05;
            let restitution_slop = 5.0;
            let bias = -(beta / dt) * Math.max(-contact[cIdx].dist_min - penetration_slop, 0)
                + restitution * Math.max(vpn - restitution_slop, 0);
            let k = body.invMass
                + j_wa * body.invInertia * j_wa;
            let massNormal = 1.0 / k;

            //// Jacobian * velocity vector          
            let jv = + j_wa * body.angVel;
            let lambda = massNormal * -(jv + bias);

            let previousTotalLambda = normalImpulseSum[cIdx];
            normalImpulseSum[cIdx] = Math.max(0.0, normalImpulseSum[cIdx] + lambda);
            lambda = normalImpulseSum[cIdx] - previousTotalLambda;
            body.vel = body.vel.addV(j_va.mulS(body.invMass * lambda));
            body.angVel += body.invInertia * j_wa * lambda;

            //// Jacobian for friction constraint
            let contactTangent = new math.Vector2(-contactNormal.y, contactNormal.x);
            j_va = contactTangent.inverted();
            j_wa = -ra.cross(contactTangent);

            jv = + j_wa * body.angVel;
            k = body.invMass + j_wa * body.invInertia * j_wa;
            let massTangent = 1.0 / k;
            lambda = massTangent * -jv;

            let friction = 0.01;

            previousTotalLambda = tangentImpulseSum[cIdx];
            let maxFriction = friction * normalImpulseSum[cIdx];
            tangentImpulseSum[cIdx] = math.clamp(tangentImpulseSum[cIdx] + lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
            lambda = tangentImpulseSum[cIdx] - previousTotalLambda;
            body.vel = body.vel.addV(j_va.mulS(body.invMass * lambda));
            body.angVel = body.angVel + body.invInertia * j_wa * lambda;
        } // function applyImpluseWall
    } // projectWalls

    //// projectCollision
    projectCollision() {
        let pairs = sap( => body.getWorldShape()), new math.Vector2(1, 0));

        let normalImpulseSum = [];
        let tangentImpulseSum = [];

        let nContacts = 0;
        for (let j = 0; j < this.bodies.length; j++) {
            nContacts += pairs[j].length;

        for (let i = 0; i < nContacts; i++) {
            normalImpulseSum[i] = 0.0;
            tangentImpulseSum[i] = 0.0;

        for (let i = 0; i < this.nIterations; i++) {
            let contactIdx = 0;
            this.bodies.forEach((body, j) => {
                pairs[j].forEach(k => {
                    applyImpulse(contactIdx, body, this.bodies[k]);
        } // for iteration

        function applyImpulse(cIdx, bodyA, bodyB) {
            let a = bodyA.getWorldShape().slice();
            let b = bodyB.getWorldShape().slice();

            let hit = Gjk.gjk(a, b);

            if (hit) {
                let { p, q, dist, n } = Gjk.epa(a, b, ...hit);
                let aPoints = supportEdge(a, n);
                let bPoints = supportEdge(b, n.mulS(-1));
                let [massA, massB] = [bodyA.mass, bodyB.mass];
                let aContact, bContact, aContactDisplaced, bContactDisplaced, penetration;
                if (aPoints.length + bPoints.length == 4) {
                //// Edge-edge collision
                    let center = centerOfMass([...aPoints, ...bPoints]);
                    aContact = closestSegmentPoint(center, ...aPoints);
                    bContact = closestSegmentPoint(center, ...bPoints);
                    penetration = aContact.subV(bContact).getLength();

                    aContactDisplaced =
                            n.mulS((-penetration * massA) / (massA + massB))
                    bContactDisplaced = 
                            n.mulS((penetration * massB) / (massA + massB))
                } else {
                //// Vertex-edge collision
                    if (aPoints.length + bPoints.length != 3) {
                        throw "Weird collision";
                    if (aPoints.length == 2) {
                        aContact = closestSegmentPoint(bPoints[0], ...aPoints);
                        penetration = aContact.subV(bPoints[0]).getLength();
                        aContactDisplaced =
                                n.mulS((-penetration * massA) / (massA + massB))
                        bContactDisplaced = 
                                n.mulS((penetration * massB) / (massA + massB))
                    } else {
                    //// bPoints.length == 2!
                        bContact = closestSegmentPoint(aPoints[0], ...bPoints);
                        penetration = aPoints[0].subV(bContact).getLength();
                        bContactDisplaced = 
                                n.mulS((penetration * massB) / (massA + massB))
                        aContactDisplaced =
                                n.mulS((-penetration * massA) / (massA + massB))

                let ra = aContactDisplaced.subV(bodyA.pos);
                let rb = bContactDisplaced.subV(bodyB.pos);

                //// Jacobian for non-penetration constraint
                let j_va = n.inverted();
                let j_wa = -ra.cross(n);
                let j_vb = n;
                let j_wb = rb.cross(n);

                let beta = 0.2;
                let restitution = 0.3;

                //// Relative velocity at contact point
                let vaRot = new math.Vector2(
                    -bodyA.angVel * ra.y, bodyA.angVel * ra.x);
                let vbRot = new math.Vector2(
                    -bodyB.angVel * rb.y, bodyB.angVel * rb.x);
                let vpa = bodyA.vel.addV(vaRot);
                let vpb = bodyB.vel.addV(vbRot);
                let vp = vpb.subV(vpa);
                let vpn =;

                let penetration_slop = 0.1;
                let restitution_slop = 4.0;
                let bias = -(beta / dt) * Math.max(penetration - penetration_slop, 0) +
                    restitution * Math.max(vpn - restitution_slop, 0);

                let k = +bodyA.invMass
                    + j_wa * bodyA.invInertia * j_wa
                    + bodyB.invMass
                    + j_wb * bodyB.invInertia * j_wb;
                let massNormal = 1.0 / k;

                //// Jacobian * velocity vector
                let jv =
                    + j_wa * bodyA.angVel
                    + j_wb * bodyB.angVel;
                let lambda = massNormal * -(jv + bias);

                let previousTotalLambda = normalImpulseSum[cIdx];
                normalImpulseSum[cIdx] = Math.max(0.0, normalImpulseSum[cIdx] + lambda);
                lambda = normalImpulseSum[cIdx] - previousTotalLambda;

                bodyA.vel = bodyA.vel.addV(j_va.mulS(bodyA.invMass * lambda));
                bodyA.angVel += bodyA.invInertia * j_wa * lambda;
                bodyB.vel = bodyB.vel.addV(j_vb.mulS(bodyB.invMass * lambda));
                bodyB.angVel += bodyB.invInertia * j_wb * lambda;

                //// Jacobian for friction constraint
                let vTangent = new math.Vector2(-n.y, n.x);
                j_va = vTangent.inverted();
                j_wa = -ra.cross(vTangent);
                j_vb = vTangent;
                j_wb = rb.cross(vTangent);
                jv =
                    + j_wa * bodyA.angVel;
                    + j_wb * bodyB.angVel;

                k = bodyA.invMass
                    + j_wa * bodyA.invInertia * j_wa;
                    + bodyB.invMass
                    + j_wb * bodyB.invInertia * j_wb;
                let massTangent = 1.0 / k;
                lambda = massTangent * -jv;

                let friction = 0.2;

                previousTotalLambda = tangentImpulseSum[cIdx];
                let maxFriction = friction * normalImpulseSum[cIdx];
                tangentImpulseSum[cIdx] = math.clamp(tangentImpulseSum[cIdx] + lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
                lambda = tangentImpulseSum[cIdx] - previousTotalLambda;

                bodyA.vel = bodyA.vel.addV(j_va.mulS(bodyA.invMass * lambda));
                bodyA.angVel = bodyA.angVel + bodyA.invInertia * j_wa * lambda;
                bodyB.vel = bodyB.vel.addV(j_vb.mulS(bodyB.invMass * lambda));
                bodyB.angVel = bodyB.angVel + bodyB.invInertia * j_wb * lambda;
            } // end-if(hit)
        } // end applyImplus function

    } // end projectCollision()

return World;

物理シミュレーション 剛体の衝突 2 ( Force Based )

Force Based による、剛体の衝突シミュレーションです。

[ 実行結果 ]

メッシュの描画には、 BabylonJS を使用しています。

WebGLによる 物理シミュレーション」( 酒井幸市、工学社 )
 第4章 剛体の衝突

1 時間積分
 ・重力 force_g
  壁から受ける力 force_wall
  他の剛体から受ける力 force_collision

 数値積分していきます。(html simulate() 関数)

2 壁との衝突
 (BodyForce.js class Body, projectWalls メソッド)
仕方は2通り起こる。edge または vertex での衝突である。

となる頂点数を数える。1ならvertex、2 なら edge で衝突している。これで


(1) 摩擦を考慮しない場合
力積を  \vec{J}、力を  \vec{F}、作用する時間を  dt、剛体の質量を  m、衝突前後の速度を  \vec{v}
   \vec{J} = \vec{F} dt = m ( \vec{v}' - \vec{v} )
衝突点での力  \vec{F} によって生じるトルクは、
   \vec{T} = \vec{R}_g \times \vec{F} ,
   \vec{R}_g は剛体の重心から衝突点へのベクトル(重心-衝突点ベクトル)

 角力 \vec{T} dt は、角運動量の変化に等しいので、慣性モーメントを  I、衝突前後の
角速度を  \vec{\omega} \vec{\omega}' として、
   \vec{T} dt = (\vec{R}_g \times \vec{F}) \ dt = I ( \vec{\omega}' - \vec{\omega})
剛体が四角の場合、 I = m (sx^2 + sy^2) / 12 ( sx, sy 四角の x方向と y方向の辺の

  衝突前:  \vec{v}_p = \vec{v} + \vec{\omega} \times \vec{R}_g
  衝突後:  \vec{v}_p' = \vec{v}' + \vec{\omega}' \times \vec{R}_g
力積と角力積の式、反発係数(restitution)  e の式
   e = - \dfrac{\hat{n} \cdot \vec{v}_p'}
      {\hat{n} \cdot \vec{v}_p} (  \hat{n} は衝突面の法線方向の単位ベクトル)
   \hat{n} \cdot \vec{v}_p'
            = \hat{n} \cdot \{ m^{-1} \vec{J} + I^{-1} (\vec{R}_g \times \vec{J})
            \times \vec{R}_g  + \vec{v}_p \} = - e \hat{n} \cdot \vec{v}_p
力積  \vec{J} は法線方向の成分のみなので、以下のようになる。
   \vec{J} = \hat{n} J
   J = \dfrac{- (e + 1) \ \hat{n} \cdot \vec{v}_p }
            { m^{-1} + I^{-1} \ \hat{n} \cdot \{ (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{n}) \times \vec{R}_g \} }
   \vec{F} = \hat{n} J / dt
   \vec{T} = (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{n}) \ J / dt

(2) 摩擦を考慮した場合
   \hat{t} = \dfrac{\hat{n} \times ( \vec{v}_p \times \hat{n} ) }
            {|\hat{n} \times ( \vec{v}_p \times \hat{n} )|}
 動摩擦係数を  \mu_k 、法線方向の力を  F_n((1)で求めた力)として、
摩擦力  F_t は、 F_t = \mu_k F_n
摩擦力によるトルク  \vec{T}_t は、 \vec{T}_t = (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{t} F_t)
= (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{t}) \mu_k F_n
摩擦力による力積は、 F_t dt = \mu_k F_n dt = m (v_t' - v_t)
摩擦力による角力積は、 \vec{T}_t dt = (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{t} F_t) \ dt
= I(\vec{\omega}_t'  - \vec{\omega}_t )
 衝突点の、衝突後の合成速度の接線成分  v_{pt}' は、
   v_{pt}' = v_t' + \hat{t} \cdot (\vec{\omega}_t' \times \vec{R}_g ) \\
         \ = v_t + m^{-1} \mu_k F_n dt + \hat{t} \cdot \{ (\vec{\omega}_t + I^{-1} 
            (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{t}) \mu_k F_n dt) \times \vec{R}_g \} \\
         \ = \hat{t} \cdot \vec{v}_p + \{ m^{-1} + I^{-1} \hat{t} \cdot 
            ( (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{t}) \times \vec{R}_g ) \} \ \mu_k F_n dt
   \vec{v}_p = \vec{v} + (\vec{\omega}_t \times \vec{R}_g )

合成速度  v_{pt}' は、以下のとき、ゼロとなる。
   dt = dt_0 = \dfrac{B}{\mu_k F_n}
   B = - \dfrac{ \hat{t} \cdot \vec{v}_p}
            {m^{-1} + I^{-1} \hat{t} \cdot \{ (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{t})
            \times \vec{R}_g \}}


 衝突している時間  dt 内に  v_{pt}' がゼロとなる動摩擦係数(臨界動摩擦係数)は、
   \mu_{cr} = \left| \dfrac{B}{F_n dt} \right| = \left| \dfrac{B}{J} \right|
 ・  \mu_k \ge \mu_{cr} の場合
    dt_0 \le dt となるので、衝突している時間  dt 内に  v_{pt}' がゼロとなる。
    F_t dt_0 = B
    \vec{T}_t dt_0 = (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{t}) \ B

 ・  \mu_k < \mu_{cr} の場合
    dt_0 > dt なので、
    F_t dt = \mu_k J
    \vec{T}_t dt = (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{t}) \ \mu_k F_n dt = (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{t}) \ \mu_k J

   \mu_k \ge \mu_{cr} の場合
    \vec{F}_t = \hat{t} B / dt
    \vec{T}_t = (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{t}) \ B / dt
   \mu_k < \mu_{cr} の場合
    \vec{F}_t = \hat{t} \mu_k J / dt
                = (\vec{R}_g \times \hat{t}) \ \mu_k J /dt

3 剛体同士の衝突
(BodyForce.js class Body, projectCollision メソッド)

 衝突判定には、sweep-and-prune(sap) 法(html sap() 関数)と gjk-epa 法 (前回記事、gjk-epa.js)を用いている。
 衝突は、edge 同士 または edge と vertex で起こる。sapで衝突ペアを検出し、gjk-epa から、edge で衝突しているのか、vertex で衝突しているのか、penetration の深さ、衝突の方向、衝突点の座標等の情報が得られる。

(1) 摩擦を考慮しない場合
 剛体1の質量を  m_1、衝突前後の速度を  \vec{v}_1 \vec{v}_1'、剛体2の質量を  m_2、衝突前後の速度を  \vec{v}_2 \vec{v}_2'とする。また、剛体1に働く力を  \vec{F}、作用する時間を  dt とすると、
  剛体1に作用する力積: \vec{J} = \vec{F} dt = m_1 ( \vec{v}'_1 - \vec{v}_1 )
  剛体2に作用する力積: -\vec{J} = -\vec{F} dt = m_2 ( \vec{v}'_2 - \vec{v}_2 )

 剛体1の慣性モーメントを  I_1、衝突前後の角速度を  \vec{\omega}_1 \vec{\omega}_1' 、また剛体2の慣性モーメントを  I_2、衝突前後の角速度を  \vec{\omega}_2 \vec{\omega}_2'として、
  剛体1に作用する角力積: \vec{T}_1 \ dt = (\vec{R}_1 \times \vec{F}) \ dt = I_1 ( \vec{\omega}'_1 - \vec{\omega}_1)
  剛体2に作用する角力積: \vec{T}_2 \ dt = -(\vec{R}_2 \times \vec{F}) \ dt = I_2 ( \vec{\omega}'_2 - \vec{\omega}_2)
 \vec{T}_1 \vec{R}_1 \vec{T}_2 \vec{R}_2は、それぞれ剛体1、2に作用するトルクと重心-衝突点ベクトルである。

  剛体1 衝突前:  \vec{v}_{1p} = \vec{v}_1 + \vec{\omega}_1 \times \vec{R}_1
      衝突後:  \vec{v}_{1p}^{'} = \vec{v}_1' + \vec{\omega}_1' \times \vec{R}_1
  剛体2 衝突前:  \vec{v}_{2p} = \vec{v}_2 + \vec{\omega}_2 \times \vec{R}_2
      衝突後:  \vec{v}_{2p}^{'} = \vec{v}_2' + \vec{\omega}_2' \times \vec{R}_2

 力積、角力積、反発係数(restitution)  e の式
    e = - \dfrac{\hat{n} \cdot (\vec{v}_{1p}' - \vec{v}_{2p}')}
      {\hat{n} \cdot (\vec{v}_{1p} - \vec{v}_{2p})} (  \hat{n} は衝突面の法線方向の単位ベクトル)
から、剛体1に作用する力  \vec{F}_1 とトルク  \vec{T}_1 は、
   \vec{F}_1 = \hat{n} J / dt , \\ \ \ \ \ J = \dfrac{- (e + 1) \ \hat{n} \cdot (\vec{v}_{1p} - \vec{v}_{2p})}
{ m_1^{-1} + m_2^{-1} + \hat{n} \cdot \{ I_1^{-1}(\vec{R}_1 \times \hat{n}) \times \vec{R}_1 + I_2^{-1}(\vec{R}_2 \times \hat{n}) \times \vec{R}_2  \} }
   \vec{T}_1 = (\vec{R}_1 \times \vec{F}_1)
 = (\vec{R}_1 \times \hat{n}) J / dt
 剛体2に作用する力  \vec{F}_2 とトルク  \vec{T}_2 は、
   \vec{F}_2 = - \vec{F}_1 = - \hat{n} J / dt
   \vec{T}_2 = (\vec{R}_2 \times \vec{F}_2)
 = - (\vec{R}_2 \times \hat{n}) J / dt

(2) 摩擦を考慮した場合
   \mu_{cr} = \left| \dfrac{B}{J} \right| , \\ \ \ \  B = - \dfrac{ \hat{t} \cdot (\vec{v}_{1p} - \vec{v}_{2p})}
{ m_1^{-1} + m_2^{-1} + \hat{t} \cdot \{ I_1^{-1}(\vec{R}_1 \times \hat{t}) \times \vec{R}_1 + I_2^{-1}(\vec{R}_2 \times \hat{t}) \times \vec{R}_2  \} }
   \hat{t} は衝突面の接線方向の単位ベクトルである。
   \hat{t} = \dfrac{\hat{n} \times ( (\vec{v}_{1p} - \vec{v}_{2p}) \times \hat{n} ) }
      {|\hat{n} \times ( (\vec{v}_{1p} - \vec{v}_{2p}) \times \hat{n} )|}

   \mu_k \ge \mu_{cr} の場合
  剛体1  \vec{F}_{1t} = \hat{t} B / dt
       \vec{T}_{1t} = (\vec{R}_1 \times \hat{t}) \ B / dt
  剛体2  \vec{F}_{2t} = - \hat{t} B / dt
       \vec{T}_{2t} = - (\vec{R}_2 \times \hat{t}) \ B / dt
   \mu_k < \mu_{cr} の場合
  剛体1  \vec{F}_{1t} = \hat{t} \mu_k J / dt
 = (\vec{R}_1 \times \hat{t}) \ \mu_k J /dt

  剛体2  \vec{F}_{2t} = - \hat{t} \mu_k J / dt
 = - (\vec{R}_2 \times \hat{t}) \ \mu_k J /dt


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>BJS Physical Animation ( force based )</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="430" style="border: 1px solid gray;"></canvas>

function init() {
    const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
    const engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas);
    var width  = canvas.width;
    var height = canvas.height;

    var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
    scene.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("camera1",
        3 * Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 25, new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 8, 0), scene);
    camera.attachControl(canvas, true);

    var light1 = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light1", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);
    light1.intensity = 0.8;
    var light2 = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light2", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -1, 0), scene);
    light2.intensity = 0.5;

    require(['./BodyForce', './math'], function(Body, math) {
        let walls = [];
        let wall_angle1 = -0.3;
        let wall_angle2 =  0.5;
        walls.push(new Wall(new math.Vector2( 0, 0),
            new math.Vector2(-Math.sin(wall_angle1), Math.cos(wall_angle1))));
        walls.push(new Wall(new math.Vector2( 0, 0),
            new math.Vector2(-Math.sin(wall_angle2), Math.cos(wall_angle2))));

        let bodies = [];

        // body [0]
            new Body(
                createPolygonPoints(new math.Vector2(0, 0), 1, 4),
                new math.Vector2(-8, 10), // world position(pos)
                Math.PI / 4, // angle
                1 // mass
        bodies[0].vel = new math.Vector2(2, 0);
        bodies[0].angVel = 0.0;

        // body [1]
            new Body(
                createPolygonPoints(new math.Vector2(0, 0), 1, 3),
                new math.Vector2(8, 10),
                //Math.PI / 4, // for nsides = 4
                0, // for nsides = 3
        bodies[1].vel = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
        bodies[1].angVel = 0.0;
        console.log("bodies", Array.from(bodies));

        var d, p1, p2;
        for (let i = 0; i < walls.length; i++) {
            d = new math.Vector2(400 * walls[i].normal.y, -400 * walls[i].normal.x);
            p1 = walls[i].position.addV(d);
            p2 = walls[i].position.subV(d);
            let wallpath = [
                new BABYLON.Vector3(p1.x, p1.y, 0),
                new BABYLON.Vector3(p2.x, p2.y, 0)
            let wallLines = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateLines("lines" + i, wallpath, scene);
            wallLines.color = BABYLON.Color3.Black();

        var i, j;
        var objects, object;

        var colors = [

        var objectMesh = [];
        objects = bodies;

        for (j = 0; j < objects.length; ++j) {
            object = objects[j];
            console.log("object index", j, object.worldShape);

            const abodyMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("abodyMat" + j, scene);
            abodyMat.diffuseColor = colors[j];

            var points = [];
            for (i = 0; i < object.worldShape.length; ++i) {
                const apoint = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateSphere("apoint" + i,
                    {diameter: 0.3, segments: 8}, scene);
                apoint.position.x = object.worldShape[i].x;
                apoint.position.y = object.worldShape[i].y;
                apoint.position.z = 0;
                apoint.material = abodyMat;

            var path = [];
            for (i = 0; i < object.worldShape.length; i++)
                    new BABYLON.Vector3(object.worldShape[i].x, object.worldShape[i].y, 0)
            path.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(object.worldShape[0].x, object.worldShape[0].y, 0));
            const options = {points: path, updatable: true};
            var aLine = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLines("aLine" + j, options, scene);
            aLine.color = colors[j];

            objectMesh.push({points: points, line: aLine});

        function update_mesh() {
            var i, j

            for (j = 0; j < objects.length; j++) {
                var object = objects[j];

                var worldVertices = object.worldShape;

                //// points
                var apoint = objectMesh[j].points;
                for (i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; ++i) {
                    apoint[i].position.x = worldVertices[i].x;
                    apoint[i].position.y = worldVertices[i].y;
                    apoint[i].position.z = 0.0;
                //// line
                var aline = objectMesh[j].line;
                var path = [];
                for (i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; i++)
                        new BABYLON.Vector3(worldVertices[i].x, worldVertices[i].y, 0)
                path.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(worldVertices[0].x, worldVertices[0].y, 0));

                var options = {points: path, instance: aline};
                aline = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLines("aline", options);
        scene.registerBeforeRender(function () {

        function simulate() {
            var g = 9.8;
            var dt = 0.02;

            //// Integrate
            bodies.forEach(body => {
                body.force = body.force0.addV(new math.Vector2(0, -body.mass * g));
                body.torque = 0.0;


           let pairs = sap( => body.worldShape), new math.Vector2(1, 0));

            bodies.forEach((body, i) => {
                pairs[i].forEach(j => body.projectCollision(bodies[j]));

            bodies.forEach(body => {
                var acc = body.force.divS(body.mass);

                body.vel = body.vel.addV(acc.mulS(dt));
                body.pos = body.pos.addV(body.vel.mulS(dt));

                var angAcc = body.invInertia * body.torque;

                body.angVel += angAcc * dt;

                body.ang += body.angVel * dt;

        function createPolygonPoints(center = new math.Vector2(0, 0), radius = 1, nsides=3) {
            let poly = [];

            let delta = Math.PI * 2 / nsides;
            for (let i = 0; i < nsides; i++) {
                    new math.Vector2(center.x+radius*Math.cos(delta*i),

            // inertia
            let [a, b] = [(1 + Math.cos(delta)) / 2, (1 - Math.cos(delta)) / 2];
            let inertia = radius * radius / 6 * ( 3*(a**3 + b**3) + 9*a*b - 2*b );

            return {shape:poly, inertia:inertia};

        function sap(polygons, v) {
            let n = polygons.length;
            let pairs = [];
            let proj = [];
            polygons.forEach((poly, i) => {
                let min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                let max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                for (let p of poly) {
                    let dot =;
                    min = Math.min(min, dot);
                    max = Math.max(max, dot);
                proj.push([min, i], [max, i]);
            proj.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);

            let inside = new Set();
            for (let [_, i] of proj) {
                if (inside.has(i)) {
                } else {
                    pairs[i] = [];
                    for (let j of inside) {
                        if (i < j) pairs[j].push(i);
                        else pairs[i].push(j);
            return pairs;

        function Wall(position, normal) {
            //// position, normal: Vector2
            this.position = position;
            this.normal = normal;
            this.dist = function(position) {

    engine.runRenderLoop(() => {



define(['./math', './gjk_epa'], function(math, Gjk) {
function centerOfMass(pts) {
    //// pts: Array, element Vector2
    let sum = pts.reduce((a,b) => new math.Vector2(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y));
    return new math.Vector2(sum.x/pts.length, sum.y/pts.length);

function supportEdge(pts, v) {
    let maxdot = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    let maxdot2 = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    let best, best2;
    for (let p of pts) {
        let dot =;
        if (dot > maxdot) {
            [maxdot2, best2] = [maxdot, best];
            [maxdot, best] = [dot, p];
        } else if (dot > maxdot2) {
            [maxdot2, best2] = [dot, p];
    if (Math.abs(maxdot - maxdot2) < 0.01) return [best2, best];
    return [best];

function closestSegmentPoint(p, q, r) {
  //// p, q, r: Vector2
    let qr = r.subV(q);
    let s = qr.getLength();
    if (s < 0.00001) return q;
    //// Degenerate line segment
    //// both endpoints at approximately the same distance
    let v = qr.normalized();
    let u = p.subV(q);
    let d =;
    if (d < 0) return q;
    if (d > s) return r;
    return lerp(q, r, d/s);

function lerp(a, b, t) {
    //// glmatrix vec2 lerp: linear interpolation between two vec2's
    //// a, b: Vector2, t: float (0 - 1)
    var ax = a.x,
        ay = a.y;
    out_x = ax + t * (b.x - ax);
    out_y = ay + t * (b.y - ay);
    return new math.Vector2(out_x, out_y);

const g = 9.8;
const dt = 0.02;
const restitution = 0.5;
const restitution2 = 0.4;

class Body {
    constructor(shape, pos = new Vector2(0, 0), ang = 0, mass = 1) {
        console.log("ceate Bodies", shape);

        this.mass = mass;
        this.inertia = this.mass * shape.inertia;
        this.invInertia = 1 / this.inertia;

        this.pos = pos;
        this.ang = ang;
        this.vel  = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
        this.angVel  = 0;

        this.force  = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
        this.force0 = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
        this.torque = 0; // z成分のみ
        this.vGravityToPoint = new math.Vector2(0, 0);

        let center = centerOfMass(shape.shape);
        this.shape = => new math.Vector2(p.x - center.x, p.y - center.y));
    //// Returns the shape points in world space
    get worldShape() {
        let [c, s] = [Math.cos(this.ang), Math.sin(this.ang)];
        let transf = new math.Matrix3();
        transf = transf.fromValues(c, -s, this.pos.x, s, c, this.pos.y, 0, 0, 0);
        this.curWorldShape = transf.mulVectors(this.shape, 1);
        return this.curWorldShape;

    //// projectWalls
    projectWalls(walls) {
        //// walls: Array, element: wall info
        //// 注 wall.normal の方向
        let muK = 0.1;

        var worldVertices = this.worldShape.slice();

        for (let wall of walls) {
            var cnt = 0;
            var vPointCollision = new math.Vector2(0, 0);
            var dist_min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

            for (let i = 0; i < worldVertices.length; i++) {
                let dist = wall.dist(worldVertices[i]);

                if (dist < dist_min) dist_min = dist;

                if (dist <= 0) {
                    vPointCollision = vPointCollision.addV(worldVertices[i]);

            var flagCollisionF = false;

            if (cnt != 0) {
                vPointCollision = vPointCollision.divS(cnt);
                this.vGravityToPoint = vPointCollision.subV(this.pos);

                if (dist_min <= 0 && this.vel.y < -0.3)
                    var c = 0.4;

                    var vRot = new math.Vector2(
                        -this.angVel * this.vGravityToPoint.y,
                        this.angVel * this.vGravityToPoint.x);
                    var vp = this.vel.addV(vRot);

                    var vpxn = vp.cross(wall.normal);
                    var vTangent = new math.Vector2(wall.normal.y * vpxn, -wall.normal.x * vpxn);

                    var rxn = this.vGravityToPoint.cross(wall.normal)
                    var a2 = this.invInertia * rxn;
                    var a3 = new math.Vector2(-a2 * this.vGravityToPoint.y,
                        a2 * this.vGravityToPoint.x);
                    var rikiseki = - (restitution + 1.0) * / (1.0/this.mass +;

                    this.force = this.force.addV(wall.normal.mulS(rikiseki / dt));

                    var torq2 = rxn * c * rikiseki / dt;
                    this.torque += torq2;

                    var rxt =  this.invInertia * this.vGravityToPoint.cross(vTangent);
                    var rxt2 = this.vGravityToPoint.cross(vTangent);
                    var c2 =
                        new math.Vector2(-rxt * this.vGravityToPoint.y,
                            rxt * this.vGravityToPoint.x));
                    var B = / (1.0/this.mass + c2);
                    var muC = Math.abs(B / rikiseki);

                    if(muK >= muC){
                        this.force = this.force.addV(vTangent.mulS(B/dt));
                        this.torque += rxt2 * c * B/dt;
                        this.force = this.force.addV(vTangent.mulS(-muK * rikiseki / dt));
                        this.torque += -rxt2 * c*muK * rikiseki / dt;
                    flagCollisionF = true;

                if (!flagCollisionF) {
                    var torq = this.vGravityToPoint.cross(new math.Vector2(0.0, this.mass * g)) * 0.5;
                    this.torque += torq;
            if (dist_min < 0.0) this.pos.y -= dist_min;
    //// projectCollision
    projectCollision(other, gravityBias = 0) {
        let a = this.worldShape.slice();
        let b = other.worldShape.slice();

        let hit = Gjk.gjk(a, b);

        //---- 重心-衝突点ベクトル vGravityToPoint を求める
        if (hit) {
            let { p, q, dist, n } = Gjk.epa(a, b, ...hit);
            let aPoints = supportEdge(a, n);
            let bPoints = supportEdge(b, n.mulS(-1));
            let [massA, massB] = [this.mass, other.mass];
            let aContact, bContact, aContactDisplaced, bContactDisplaced, penetration;
            if (aPoints.length + bPoints.length == 4) {
                //// Edge-edge collision
                let center = centerOfMass([...aPoints, ...bPoints]);
                aContact = closestSegmentPoint(center, ...aPoints);
                bContact = closestSegmentPoint(center, ...bPoints);
                penetration = aContact.subV(bContact).getLength();

                aContactDisplaced =
                    n.mulS((-penetration * massA) / (massA + massB))
                bContactDisplaced = 
                    n.mulS((penetration * massB) / (massA + massB))
            } else {
                //// Vertex-edge collision
                if (aPoints.length + bPoints.length != 3) {
                    throw "Weird collision";
                if (aPoints.length == 2) {
                    aContact = closestSegmentPoint(bPoints[0], ...aPoints);
                    penetration = aContact.subV(bPoints[0]).getLength();
                    aContactDisplaced =
                        n.mulS((-penetration * massA) / (massA + massB))
                    bContactDisplaced = 
                        n.mulS((penetration * massB) / (massA + massB))
                } else {
                    //// bPoints.length == 2!
                    bContact = closestSegmentPoint(aPoints[0], ...bPoints);
                    penetration = aPoints[0].subV(bContact).getLength();
                    bContactDisplaced = 
                            n.mulS((penetration * massB) / (massA + massB))
                    aContactDisplaced =
                          n.mulS((-penetration * massA) / (massA + massB))

            this.vGravityToPoint = aContactDisplaced.subV(this.pos);
            other.vGravityToPoint = bContactDisplaced.subV(other.pos);

            //---- 力積の計算
            let muK = 0.5;
            var rikiseki;
            var vn1, vn2;
            var muc,B, m1, m2, mI1, mI2;
            var vVelocityP1, vVelocityP2;
            var vTangential; //接線方向
            var vA1 = new math.Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
            var vA2 = new math.Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
            var vRg1 = new math.Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
            var vRg2 = new math.Vector2(0.0, 0.0);

            this.force = new math.Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
            this.torque = 0.0;
            other.force = new math.Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
            other.torque = 0.0;

            vRg1 = this.vGravityToPoint.copy();
            vRg2 = other.vGravityToPoint.copy();
            m1 = this.mass;
            m2 = other.mass;
            mI1 = this.invInertia;
            mI2 = other.invInertia;

            var vRot1 = new math.Vector2(
                -this.angVel * vRg1.y, this.angVel * vRg1.x);
            vVelocityP1 = this.vel.addV(vRot1);

            var vNormal = n;
            vn1 =;

            var vRot2 = new math.Vector2(
                -other.angVel * vRg2.y, other.angVel * vRg2.x);
            vVelocityP2 = other.vel.addV(vRot2);
            vn2 =;

            var vp12 = vVelocityP1.subV(vVelocityP2);
            var vp12xn = vp12.cross(vNormal);

            vTangential = new math.Vector2(vNormal.y * vp12xn, -vNormal.x * vp12xn);

            var a11 = vRg1.cross(vNormal);
            var a12 = mI1 * a11;
            var a13 = new math.Vector2(-a12 * vRg1.y, a12 * vRg1.x);

            var a21 = vRg2.cross(vNormal);
            var a22 = mI2 * a21;
            var a23 = new math.Vector2(-a22 * vRg2.y, a22 * vRg2.x);
            rikiseki = - (restitution2 + 1.0) * (vn1 - vn2) / (1.0/m1 + 1.0/m2
                + +;

            this.force = this.force.addV(vNormal.mulS(rikiseki / dt));
            other.force = other.force.subV(vNormal.mulS(rikiseki / dt));

            this.torque += a11 * rikiseki / dt;
            other.torque -= a21 * rikiseki / dt;

            var rxt1 = vRg1.cross(vTangential);
            var rxt2 = vRg2.cross(vTangential);
            vA1 = new math.Vector2(-mI1 * rxt1 * vRg1.y, mI1 * rxt1 * vRg1.x);
            vA2 = new math.Vector2(-mI2 * rxt2 * vRg2.y, mI2 * rxt2 * vRg2.x);
            B = / (1.0/m1+1.0/m2+;
            muc = Math.abs(B / rikiseki);
            if(muK >= muc)
                this.force = this.force.addV(vTangential.mulS(B/dt));
                this.torque += rxt1 * B/dt;
                other.force = other.force.subV(vTangential.mulS(B/dt));
                other.torque -= rxt2 * B/dt;
            } else
                this.force  = this.force.addV(vTangential.mulS(muK * rikiseki / dt));
                this.torque  += rxt1 * muK * rikiseki / dt;
                other.force = other.force.subV(vTangential.mulS(muK * rikiseki / dt));
                other.torque -= rxt2 * muK * rikiseki / dt;

            this.pos = this.pos.subV(vNormal.mulS(penetration/4.0+0.01));
            other.pos = other.pos.addV(vNormal.mulS(penetration/4.0+0.01));

return Body;