前回報告した camlkitGS ライブラリを用いて、GNUstepのAppKit と CoreGraphics プログラムが実行できます。
AppKit プログラム
(dune init project で作成、その後libとtestを削除している。)
/bin dune main.ml
(executable (public_name camlkitTest1) (name main) (flags -ccopt -L/usr/local/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries -cclib -lgnustep-base -cclib -lgnustep-gui) (libraries camlkitGS.Foundation camlkitGS.AppKit))
open Foundation open Runtime open AppKit let win_width = 400. let win_height = 300. let app_window () = let win = alloc NSWindow.self |> NSWindow.initWithContentRect (CGRect.make ~x: 0. ~y: 0. ~width: win_width ~height: win_height) ~styleMask: Bitmask.( _NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + _NSWindowStyleMaskClosable + _NSWindowStyleMaskResizable) ~backing: _NSBackingStoreBuffered ~defer: false in win |> NSWindow.cascadeTopLeftFromPoint (CGPoint.init ~x:20. ~y:20.) |> ignore; win |> NSWindow.setTitle (new_string "Hello Caml"); win |> NSWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront nil; win let make_button ~title ~frame ~target ~action = let btn = alloc NSButton.self |> NSButton.initWithFrame frame in btn |> NSControl.setTarget target; btn |> NSControl.setAction action; btn |> NSButton.setTitle title; btn let main () = let _ = new_object "NSAutoreleasePool" and app = NSApplication.self |> NSApplicationClass.sharedApplication and win = app_window () in let btn = make_button ~title:(new_string "Quit") ~target:app ~action:(selector "terminate:") ~frame:(CGRect.make ~x:10. ~y:(win_height -. 40.) ~width:100. ~height:30.) in win |> NSWindow.contentView |> NSView.addSubview btn; (* assert (app |> NSApplication.setActivationPolicy _NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular); *) app |> NSApplication.activateIgnoringOtherApps true; NSApplication.run app let () = main ()
CoreGraphics プログラム
/bin dune main.ml ovals.ml roundRects.ml
(executable (public_name camlkitTest2) (name main) (flags -ccopt -L/usr/local/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries -cclib -lgnustep-corebase -cclib -lopal) ;(flags -ccopt -L/usr/local/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries -cclib -lopal) (libraries camlkit-base.runtime camlkitGS.CoreFoundation camlkitGS.CoreGraphics))
open CoreFoundation open CoreGraphics open Runtime open Objc let _MyCGPDFContextCreateWithURL = Foreign.foreign "CGPDFContextCreateWithURL" ((ptr void) @-> (ptr void) @-> (ptr void) @-> returning (ptr CGContext.t)) let _MyCGPDFContextClose = Foreign.foreign "CGPDFContextClose" ((ptr CGContext.t) @-> returning void) let _MyCGContextBeginTransparencyLayer = Foreign.foreign "CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer" ((ptr CGContext.t) @-> (ptr void) @-> returning void) let pi = 3.141592 let _ = print_endline "Test CoreGraphics" let str = "test.pdf" let rec drawRect ctx rect = let origin = CGRect.origin rect and size = CGRect.size rect in let x = CGPoint.x origin and y = CGPoint.y origin and width = CGSize.width size and height = CGSize.height size in _CGContextTranslateCTM ctx x y; _CGContextSetRGBFillColor ctx 0. 0. 0. 1.; _CGContextFillRect ctx (CGRect.make ~x:0. ~y:(height/.2.) ~width:width ~height:(height/.2.)); _CGContextSetAlpha ctx 0.5; _MyCGContextBeginTransparencyLayer ctx null; let a = 0.9 *. width /. 4. and b = 0.3 *. height /.2. and count = 5 in _CGContextSetRGBFillColor ctx 0. 0. 1. 1.; _CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor ctx 0. 0. 0. 1.; _CGContextSetLineWidth ctx 3.; _CGContextSaveGState ctx; _CGContextTranslateCTM ctx (width/.4.) (height/.2.); let r = CGRect.make ~x:(-.a) ~y:(-.b) ~width:(2.*.a) ~height:(2.*.b) in for i = 1 to 5 do Ovals.paintOval ctx r; Ovals.frameOval ctx r; _CGContextRotateCTM ctx (pi /. (Float.of_int count)); done; _CGContextRestoreGState ctx; _CGContextEndTransparencyLayer ctx; _CGContextSetRGBFillColor ctx 1. 0. 0. 0.5; _CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor ctx 0. 0. 0. 1.; _CGContextSetLineWidth ctx 3.; _CGContextSaveGState ctx; _CGContextTranslateCTM ctx (width/.4. +. width/.2.) (height/.2.); for i = 1 to 5 do RoundRects.fillRoundedRect ctx r 20. 20.; RoundRects.strokeRoundedRect ctx r 20. 20.; _CGContextRotateCTM ctx (pi /. (Float.of_int count)); done; ;; let () = let nsurl = alloc NSURL.self |> NSURL.initFileURLWithPath (new_string str) in Printf.printf "nsurl\n"; let ctx = _MyCGPDFContextCreateWithURL nsurl null null and rect = (CGRect.make ~x:0. ~y:(2.25*.72.) ~width:(8.5*.72.) ~height:(5.5*.72.)) in Printf.printf "context\n"; drawRect ctx rect; _MyCGPDFContextClose ctx;
open CoreFoundation open CoreGraphics open Runtime open Objc let pi = 3.141592 let addOvalToPath ctx rect = _CGContextSaveGState ctx; let origin = CGRect.origin rect and size = CGRect.size rect in let x = CGPoint.x origin and y = CGPoint.y origin and width = CGSize.width size and height = CGSize.height size in Printf.printf "addOvalToPath width %f\n" width; Printf.printf "addOvalToPath height %f\n" height; let width2 = width/.2. and height2 = height/.2. in let matrix = _CGAffineTransformMake width2 0. 0. height2 (x+.width2) (y+.height2) in Printf.printf "addOvalToPath\n"; _CGContextConcatCTM ctx matrix; _CGContextBeginPath ctx; _CGContextAddArc ctx 0. 0. 1. 0. (2.*.pi) 0; _CGContextRestoreGState ctx; ;; let paintOval ctx rect = addOvalToPath ctx rect; _CGContextStrokePath ctx; ;; let frameOval ctx rect = addOvalToPath ctx rect; _CGContextFillPath ctx; ;;
open CoreFoundation open CoreGraphics open Runtime open Objc let pi = 3.141592 let addOvalToPath ctx rect = _CGContextSaveGState ctx; let origin = CGRect.origin rect and size = CGRect.size rect in let x = CGPoint.x origin and y = CGPoint.y origin and width = CGSize.width size and height = CGSize.height size in Printf.printf "addOvalToPath width %f\n" width; Printf.printf "addOvalToPath height %f\n" height; let width2 = width/.2. and height2 = height/.2. in let matrix = _CGAffineTransformMake width2 0. 0. height2 (x+.width2) (y+.height2) in Printf.printf "addOvalToPath\n"; _CGContextConcatCTM ctx matrix; _CGContextBeginPath ctx; _CGContextAddArc ctx 0. 0. 1. 0. (2.*.pi) 0; _CGContextRestoreGState ctx; ;; let paintOval ctx rect = addOvalToPath ctx rect; _CGContextStrokePath ctx; ;; let frameOval ctx rect = addOvalToPath ctx rect; _CGContextFillPath ctx; ;; let addRoundedRectToPath ctx rect ovalWidth ovalHeight = if ovalWidth == 0. || ovalHeight == 0. then _CGContextAddRect ctx rect else _CGContextSaveGState ctx; _CGContextTranslateCTM ctx (_CGRectGetMinX rect) (_CGRectGetMinY rect); _CGContextScaleCTM ctx ovalWidth ovalHeight; let fw = (_CGRectGetWidth rect) /. ovalWidth and fh = (_CGRectGetHeight rect) /. ovalHeight in _CGContextMoveToPoint ctx fw (fh/.2.); _CGContextAddArcToPoint ctx fw fh (fw/.2.) fh 1.; _CGContextAddArcToPoint ctx 0. fh 0. (fh/.2.) 1.; _CGContextAddArcToPoint ctx 0. 0. (fw/.2.) 0. 1.; _CGContextAddArcToPoint ctx fw 0. fw (fh/.2.) 1.; _CGContextClosePath ctx; _CGContextRestoreGState ctx; ;; let fillRoundedRect ctx rect ovalWidth ovalHeight = _CGContextBeginPath ctx; addRoundedRectToPath ctx rect ovalWidth ovalHeight; _CGContextFillPath ctx; ;; let strokeRoundedRect ctx rect ovalWidth ovalHeight = _CGContextBeginPath ctx; addRoundedRectToPath ctx rect ovalWidth ovalHeight; _CGContextStrokePath ctx; ;;